Thursday, July 10, 2014



Today we did hills for the first time. This marks the transition from base to more structured workouts, and are a necessary precursor to the highest of all stress workouts - intervals.

Form is key here, because effective uphill running necessitates proper technique. The head should be high, the arms should pump the air directly ahead of the body, fists in line with the shoulders, the knees should lift higher, and the steps should be shorter and quicker. All motion should be directed squarely forward and upward.

We aren't doing these hard yet, just learning the technique. Regardless, they are hard by virtue of the hill itself. Repeating a hill over and over is hard work, no matter the effort put into it. We'll work into going farther/faster, but we need to be cautious in the beginning. Overall I was pleased today, though we need to cut out wasted time so we can complete the workout on time.

Moving forward, the Seymour Midnight 5k is indeed starting at midnight. Registration begins at 11 PM at Seymour High School. Anyone wishing to travel with the team should arrange for a ride before we leave, and those driving should meet at Farmer's Market, located at the intersection of Highway 50 East and 446. Coach Jo will pitch a tent on her lawn for those girls wishing to camp out afterwards. It sounds like a fun time, and I encourage you to go if you are willing.

The following day is the car wash. We are set to go starting at 10 AM, running through 2 PM. We need buckets, soap, rags, and hoses. If you have anything to contribute, please bring it!

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