Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Last Hard Speed Work


So this was the last big one. The last full speed workout of the season. Next week's workout will be different, easier, shorter. It was good then to see it go off pretty much without a hitch.


Chelsey did drop from the workout after five of them, but after all, surgery was little over a month ago. Can't blame her there. Carrie was held out because of a sore calf, so that also impacts the overall completion. With that said, look at those numbers. 

I set it up so everyone would be sub-23. I also tried to set it up so the effort would be easily manageable. As you can see, we nailed it on both accounts. It was a pretty tight group throughout the workout. 

I would also have to note it was quite the surprise to see Ani go after the front today, and more than that, stay with it. The talent has always been there, the confidence wasn't. As I watched her surge back and forth between the front and the middle, it seemed time to challenge her. "Stick with them or hang back!" I said. "Don't go back and forth. That's inefficient." Ani chose to move forward. And she stayed there. 

You all did well. The front three girls just chatted through the workout. I could hear Kate, Delaney, and Chelsey talking through the easy lap. Katlyn was quiet, but she always is. Same with Sara. Your averages were all fine, and hopefully you gained some confidence. 

As for predictions, let's consider this... Seymour is flat. All of it. That being the case, about the only thing that will slow you down would be an excessive number of turns. So, assuming a good course, I'd add at most a minute to the workout prediction above (to cover the unknown) and you'd be solid. For most of you this would mean massive PR's. I'd get excited about that!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Final Week of Hard


Just get through it. We have one day in the books. Tomorrow we do intervals, then we run a couple of days. Friday is off. Saturday you race the second race. We'll be leaving BNL at 7:30 AM, and be taking the small bus. That means only 14 girls may go. Right now the list is:

  1. Carrie
  2. Baili
  3. Danielle
  4. Zoe
  5. Sara
  6. Ani
  7. Delaney
  8. Madison
  9. Chelsey
Kate, Katlyn, and Molly will have other activities to attend. That means we have room for 5 others. On that list so far is:
  1. Cynthaney (maybe: she never confirmed with me for sure)
This will be first come, first served up to the limit of riders. I guess I'm saying... the first 5 girls to contact me get to ride. A word of warning though... if you can't walk, you might want to think twice about it. The other thing is don't be late - I will leave you for sure. And I really, really won't appreciate that "10-minute-after-departure-text-that-says-I'm-not-going". If you tell me you're going but opt out that morning, text me BEFORE departure time. It's just good manners and respect. 

Okay, that part is squared away, so back to this week... be careful. Extra careful! You cannot, I repeat, you CANNOT get hurt now. You get hurt, season over. 

Just. Like. That. 

There is no time to recover anything now. If you have a sterile bubble you can sleep in, maybe an oxygen chamber like Michael Jackson supposedly had, any little trick up your sleeve, do it. Eat right. Sleep enough. 

If we can avoid silly mistakes over the next three weeks some great things can happen. If we continue to be self-destructive, well...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ted Fox 2015


It was an important day. The usual way of doing business is to take the 7 fastest girls in a meet and carry them through to the next meet. I think in the name of fairness that's what we should strive to do, but I will add this year's injuries make it necessary for me to throw in the fact I must consider health. The idea is we have to field the team with the best chance to advance. If runners aren't healthy, they may need to be substituted for the sake of the team. I hope it doesn't come to that, but hey, that's why we list 12 runners!

First, today's results.

Runner800Mile 1Mile 25kPace

In the first race there were many contenders for "Most Significant" race. Carrie's calf blew after mile one but she held on. Baili held an impressively even average split pace. Zoe toughed out a hard run on her shin. Ani and Molly showed us their Brown County times were no flukes. Sara held herself together from start to finish in good form.

I asked Coach Vance and Coach Scott who they thought had the most significant race. We were split in opinion, which is not a bad thing, but one name showed up on 2 of the 3 lists AND was a best time for the course. Sara won the shirt for her effort. For my money, this was the most focused I've seen her since the accident, and if we could see more of it, could see her drop a significant amount of time in the next couple of weeks.

In the second race things were much clearer. While I think everyone put up a great effort, one did rise significantly above the others. Kate not only beat 3 of the runners in the first race, but also posted a best time. She has become especially aggressive the last couple of weeks and ran herself into the top-5 today. Easy call, and I didn't conference on this one. Kate all the way. 

Delaney also beat 1 of the top-7 runners. She fell off a little in the second mile, but always comes back strong in the end. If we could just get a little more out of the middle, Delaney would drop serious time. Something to work on this week!

So, based on time, how did the girls stack today?


That would mean, going into Conference at least, our top-7 would be:
  1. Carrie
  2. Baili
  3. Danielle
  4. Zoe
  5. Kate
  6. Sara
  7. Ani
But that's only in a perfect world. Kate at least will be taking SAT next Saturday, so Delaney moves into the 7 slot, with Molly at 8. Now the deal with THAT is we may have an injury that will bump another girl up... I'd put the odds at 50/50. Point is, if you are anywhere near the top-10 on this list, there is a chance you will get to run Conference. 

Now for what we need to know for the immediate future... what is the tournament Top-12?
  1. Carrie
  2. Baili
  3. Danielle
  4. Zoe
  5. Kate
  6. Sara
  7. Ani
  8. Delaney
  9. Molly
  10. Madison
  11. Katlyn
  12. Chelsey
For you other ladies, unfortunately that means the season is over. Ordinarily I would invite you to continue practicing with the team, but the reality is you all have some level of injury that needs to heal. That being the case, I believe you need to rest more than you need to run. I'll need your uniforms, but other than that, I want you to take a break from running for a bit. 

For the rest, one more regular week of training, then taper. Let's get through this week as smoothly as possible!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Beard Bets


Okay, so our top-7 is set.

  1. Carrie
  2. Baili
  3. Danielle
  4. Zoe
  5. Molly
  6. Sara
  7. Ani
But that does not mean you don't all have something big to shoot for! No, I'm not talking about the top-12 list just yet... though you should think about that too. I'm talking about the beard!

Here's where I give you targets for the race, indeed, the season. Hit these and you can hit my beard and hair with whatever punishment you dream up. 

  1. Carrie - move up one spot on the All-Time Top-25. You need three seconds off your best time on the course. 
  2. Baili - make the top-10 on the All-Time Top-25. You need around 6 seconds. 
  3. Danielle - make the All-Time Top-25 board. You'll need to beat 23:04 - unless someone goes faster than that and you. Either way, you have to be on the board by the end of the day. 
  4. Zoe - break 23:00.
  5. Molly - break 23:45.
  6. Sara - break 24:00.
  7. Ani - break 24:00.
  8. Kate - break 24:00.
  9. Katlyn - break 24:00. 
  10. Madison - break 24:00.
  11. Delaney - break 24:20.
  12. Chelsey - break 24:30.
  13. Cynthaney - break 24:30.
  14. Amber - break 26:00.
  15. Alannah - break 26:00.
  16. Payton - break 26:00.
Joslyn and Ali, you have given your all to the cause - you are already winners. Plan your vengeance!

In addition to all of this, I will purchase a T-shirt. The shirt will go to the girl with the most significant race. I'm being a bit more vague about this one, because it's difficult to level time drops across all ability levels. What I'm looking for is growth or change (in a positive direction). 

Varsity races at 9:30, JV at 10:30 - be at the tent by 8:30. Right now it looks like rain. Plan accordingly. Remember, race, cool down, leave (if you wish). I know it's Homecoming.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What's Left To Say?


Ted Fox is two days away. After that, we'll know who the 12 are for Conference, Sectional, and Regional. I checked with the office today. I an alter the roster I have to turn in tomorrow on Monday if I need to.

So... what changes it? You. Run your hearts out. This is absolutely the last chance to alter the list, so make sure you bring your game on Saturday.

I feel good about your chances, all of you. We at least have the bulk of our team back on its feet. Most of you aren't 100% at this point, however I'm hoping some rest and taper will heal the bulk of what ails you. Still, we have to get past this weekend.

For those of you on taper, if you don't improve your times enough to move into the top-12, your season ends. Unless someone gets hurt. Then your season isn't over. Is that clear? No? It's not very clear to me either. Wish I could do better, but that's what we have for now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is do your best this weekend. Give it your all. I'm sorry I can't give everyone a slot - you all deserve one. The only thing we can do is leave with no regrets.

Remember the first meet? George Brinegar? This whole thing can be scary and overwhelming; that's only if you choose to look at it that way. It can also be exciting and invigorating if you choose. You can be thankful to have the chance to use your talents to do something special. You can be glad to fearlessly face what's before you and live it as hard as you can, and in the end regret nothing.

Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the challenge. Revel in it. This is what we spent our summer preparing for!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Drawing Nearer


Okay, so we are heading into the final stage of the season. This weekend's race is full of portent for many of you... who makes the squad of 12? Of those, who makes top-7 for Conference? This weekend's race will go a long way to make that decision...

I'm torn a whole lot of directions on some of you... I know the course is rough, and you are going to hurt if you race. The problem is, there is no other way to go. This is do-or-die time for many of you... I can't hold you out anymore. If you are medically cleared to run this weekend, you will run.

Notice I said you will hurt - not that you will get hurt. If I was certain anyone was going to get hurt, I would never allow you to run under any circumstances. No race is worth that. Pain is another matter. All racers feel pain, this is different pain is all. As long as you won't be injured, I'm sorry for you, but I have to run you.

There are a number of you clustered in that 24:00-25:30 range, any of whom could make the top-7. Realistically only three of you can make it... our first four are pretty set, barring injury. Returning runners also factor in. It's a bit of a mess, and I hope this weekend gives us a clear-cut choice.

SO! You are one of the runners fighting for a spot. What to do? Rest as much as possible. In quiet moments, visualize your perfect race. Think about what good form looks and feels like. Imagine yourself powering over hills, passing runners, kicking hard to the finish. Feel confident, unafraid, and focused. You will be surprised how far a little positive self-talk can go.

We will run short tomorrow. We will be off Friday. We will meet at the course at 8:30 Saturday morning. Seniors return your Senior Night slips to me at practice tomorrow. Also, I just heard a rumor about "Dress-Up Friday". Contact your seniors to find out.

Oh, and Kate wants you to eat pasta tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015




Had to lead with that. Let it soak in. Ruminate. Consider what happened. I asked you to run slower to run faster. Look at the control you had on the splits, and how for many you actually began to run faster as the workout went on. That's why it's important to try to get on your optimum pace as quickly as possible, especially on flat courses. It allows you to push the line without going over, maximizing your ability. 

Of course I now have to caution you again to ice, stretch, and otherwise care for the nicks and cuts you're collecting. This sport is rough on the body, as you new girls now know, and you can't afford to ignore the stuff that is happening. Keep it together for a little while longer... we have this in the bag now...