Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Banquet


Remember, tomorrow night is the banquet, Hillcrest Christian Church, 6 PM. Hope you all can make it. Remember also to bring your uniforms. Let's not drag this out.

Thanks to all who have sent me some photos. Unfortunately for one reason or another I cannot use them all, please don't be offended! We have a lot of similar shots, and so I am looking for some variety. Also, some of you have managed to evade getting into a lot of the shots, so I am also looking for more photos of those people in particular. I am trying to be as fair as I can with this!

I do have a sample up and testing it. The idea is to give you all a pdf link. You can download that, and in the case of iDevices, you can set it to your iBooks library. Then you will be able to show that puppy off wherever you are! If you want to see what I have so far, I will give you the temporary link. Understand, this is not a final copy; I have been promised more photos. I simply wanted to get some stuff out there for tomorrow. Maybe by seeing what I am trying to do you will understand better what I need.

Girls Cross Yearbook 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A few days have gone by...


It's been a bit now since things have ended, though for me it hasn't slowed down much. Two weeks might sound like a lot of time to prepare for our banquet, but it isn't. This yearbook thing has been made much tougher by my recent computer crash. I've gotten the hardware situation straightened out, but the powers that be haven't come through with the software. So... I'm doing the best I can. I will have something ready, I'm sure. I hope it's up to snuff!

A big THANK YOU to the parents that are pulling this all together. I know it's a stress for you folks as well. It's for a great cause, so let's hang in there.

I have put in the request for awards to our Athletic Department. There is nothing that assures me it will be done in time. That might be one step too far for this short time frame. Four Seasons takes however long they do to complete things. No way to rush that along.

So I decide to type some stuff to you guys tonight... seems odd not hearing from you. That's as it has to be though... in fact, unless you are currently in another sport, Coach Spence is your coach from here forward until track is over. Coach Scott is also a contact you need to make in order to get your off-season/pre-season training instructions.

Anyway, while typing my computer starts buzzing with texts. (That's right, my computer. MacBooks can handoff to iPhones and vice versa) Earlier I'd asked for some photos to finish the yearbook, and hadn't received too much of a response (thank you, Diana!). I'd given it up for dead when this came in.

I remember that day, but I have to tell you, I didn't remember Zoe being part of it. That was one of the last kids' triathlons we held at BNL. WOW! That is a long time ago! It just blows my mind to see stuff like this. What a cutie! I don't know how you're alive - what mother could resist smothering that face with kisses?

A reminder about State meet... I can't go. I promised to help a friend run his first marathon (unless we made it to State!). I recommend anyone interested in going to car pool and head over. It's an eye-opener.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Final Race


The final race has come and gone. The only bit of business left to conduct for this season is the banquet. That will be Monday, November 3rd. Admission is one uniform. Please, let's get these in right away. No need to drag this out!

Back to the event today...

We arrived early, as I hoped. As providence would have it, the Salem tent was directly in front of us. This was the perfect opportunity to complete one item of business for the day - give Sydney her shirt. You recall the Sydney shirt? The pink jersey I bought to represent Sydney in daily runs? I thought it would be a perfect gesture to present it to her with an explanation of what it was for. It was an honor to be thought of that way, even if it seemed a little odd. For Sydney's part she took it exactly as I hoped... she thought it was funny and really appreciated the respect we have for her and her running.

The race wouldn't start until 12:30, which concerned me... it was warm and would certainly get warmer. Joslyn in particular does not run well in the heat. Beyond that was concern about taper. Ours was for last week, and as short as our base miles were, it could not extend long. I guess I hoped adrenaline would overcome some of this, but I didn't feel there was a strong possibility of improving times under the conditions.

My instructions were simple; make this something you can live with. Don't do it for me, or your parents, or even for puppies (inside joke), do this in a way you can look back on it later and be satisfied - no, happy - with your effort. If that meant going out with the leaders for as long as you can, fine. If you want to stay within reasonable parameters I will give you, fine. There is no team here, there is no one you can hurt. Run this for you.

The girls started out very reasonably. Joslyn was at 6:15, Carrie at 6:27. I would probably call these about right. Unfortunately, they could not hold the pace. Joslyn wound up at 20:50 (6:42) and Carrie at 22:07 (7:07). Simply put, it was one race too many for the taper. We had to taper for last week in order to get the team out. It was a gamble, and we lost. The result was our girls today are past peak and didn't have the gas to push on. Recovery starts after a peak, whether you like it or not.

I am not ashamed, nor am I upset about anything today. Quite the contrary. It was actually a great day. Two of our girls made appearances. Both placed well (Joslyn 69th, Carrie 122nd). We had great support from our team and our parents. The atmosphere was top-notch. No, we didn't have the whole team, but the team was there and got to see what it was like, and if they are willing, had at hand a perfect example of perseverance.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Sydney.

Sydney is a senior. She has been the anchor for Salem for four years, but it hasn't been smooth sailing. She spent all of last year hurt. Her team was down, she was down, and it would have been easy to walk off. Many meets they didn't have enough girls to score. Same for this year too. She stuck with it anyway. Why? Only she can tell you, but she did, and ultimately her persistence paid off. We were standing next to her and her family when the individual call downs happened for advancement to State. Name after name came and went, and I was thinking, "Oh... too many names, she's not going to get called." On the tenth and final name, the announcer called, "Sydney Calhoun!"

This was a reward four years in the making. Through all the injuries, the team turmoil, the ups and downs, Sydney always fought with class. In the end, at the last possible moment, it all came together. That ladies and gentlemen is faith in action.

It is a lesson from today worth remembering. We have great girls. We have talent. We have to have the faith to keep working at it, and let nothing get in the way. It may take up to the very last second, but our reward will be there if can stay the course. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sorry about the delay


I have been spotty on the posting, I know... my computer woes have seriously cramped my style. The problem is nearly resolved, though it was a costly solution. This is the first post on my beautiful MacBook Pro with Retina display... believe me, it's a beautiful piece of work. Did I mention expensive? It was hard to pull the trigger, but my job is computers, so in the end I needed to have something that would work.

This means I will be able to gather those photos for the yearbook. It also means I might not get the yearbook finished by banquet. Not to worry... I think I'm going to offer it as a download in PDF format. This means you would be able to load it on any phone, tablet, or PC you own. Same for your families. I will provide an link to download as soon as I have it ready.

As for tomorrow, the bus pulls out at 10 AM. We don't have to be at Eagle Park until around 11-11:30, and this should be plenty of time. The runners have their plans, they should have their equipment, and should be good to go. I invite any girl who wants to go to go, and any girl who wants to warm up with Carrie and Joslyn to do so. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

New sports seasons are starting, and I hope you all consider joining something. If you don't, run. You will hear me say that over and over, and I mean it. You have to stay active. All your hard-fought gains disappear alarmingly fast if you don't stay active. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Stack Rock!


If you didn't run this morning on the Milwaukee, too bad. You missed an all-time classic. Coach Jill revealed yesterday she'd never seen Stack Rock, and WELL! That just couldn't be allowed!

So Zoe, Joslyn, Carrie, Coach, and I ran down to the Rock on one of the finest fall mornings I can remember. The sky was a clear azure blue, the air crisp and cool, and the soft crunch of gravel and leaves echoed down the trail. It felt good to be out there, good to be alive.

So we ran past the entrance until around mile 1.5 or so, then turned back. On the way back we went into the trail, backtracking the quarter mile back to the Rock. As it is fall, the trails were very clear and easy to navigate with a bare minimum of underbrush. Seriously, this is the PERFECT time to make the trip.

Once there, Coach uttered what might be the first positive words I've heard her say about anything in Bedford - "Wow, that is amazingly beautiful!"

Of course we had to climb, and climb we did. Ordinarily I won't let a group go above halfway, but this time, with so few there and good conditions, we went all the way up. Zoe was the most adventurous of all, and scampered right up. Joslyn and Carrie were only slightly less enthusiastic and soon joined. Coach, well... that's another story.

What we didn't know was Coach is afraid of heights. Some people say that and don't really mean it. She says it and means it. Once she got to the top (the easy part), she looked down - and then had to carefully sit down. Now me, I'm not afraid of heights, but I know what it looks like when someone is. Coach wasn't faking it!

We took some photos and then started down. For the girls this wasn't too hard. Coach took a bit more coaxing, but finally she did make it. From there we finished our run and that was the day.

Funny thing... I got another chance to climb later. My lovely wife wanted to visit a fire tower, so we headed up 446 to Hoosier National. There's a fire tower up there about 5 miles or so off the highway. There is also an outstanding trail, and I know a place we're going to run next summer! Great place for a long run off-road!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rest, and more


I know you have been taking advantage of break to rest, and you should. You are welcome to practice with us in the morning, I just want you to know that. Anything I do, you are always welcome to join. Standing rule.

We did 5 miles with 30 second pickups. It was not a hard run at all. Carrie, Joslyn, and Zoe all handled it with aplomb. (look that up, Kate!)

Tomorrow we are doing 4 miles, and we are going to visit Stack Rock. Coach Jill has never seen it. We have to rectify that situation.

I am taking a bus to Semi-State. Everyone is invited. I can't see leaving BNL before 9:45-10:00 AM Saturday. We get to sleep in and cruise over. It's a short drive, even with traffic, so I don't foresee trouble.

The following week, State meet weekend, I won't be available. However... if you want to go see State, I highly recommend it. It's always a good idea to see the atmosphere. This year there is another good reason - Coach Amy is getting an award.

For those that don't don't, Coach Amy was 6th in the State meet as a high school runner. Pretty high speed! This year marks the 25th anniversary of that finish, and she will receive a plaque to honor her accomplishment. As I said, I cannot go, but if a few of you want to band together, it could be a fun day.

Monday, October 20, 2014

A Quick Post


If I'm a bettin' man, I'd guess most of you didn't make that later run today. ;)

Remember, we are practicing all this week at Milwaukee at 9 AM. All are invited, only Joslyn and Carrie are required. 

I will be taking a school bus over to Semi-State. You are all invited to go and warm up with our ladies if you like. 

Banquet will be November 3rd, a Monday. More details as they develop. 

Finally, I am in need of pictures! I had a hard drive crash, and all the photos I'd collected over the year are GONE. What I would like is to get some pictures on CD. You can send them to my phone if you like, but that will take you a long time to get done. Bottom line; if I don't get pictures, the yearbook won't have pictures. Yikes!

Remember to get out and have some fun this week. Relax - you earned it!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

So close!


It was so close. Sooooo close. We beat Shakamak. We beat Northview. It was looking good. Then Salem walked up and handed me their sticks. 12 points. Dangit. It was a clear win, and they earned it. No hard feelings.

But I don't have to like it.

No, don't get me wrong. I am not unhappy with you girls. If we look at where we were when we started and compare that to where we are now, we are a much stronger team. You all improved greatly over the course of this season, and there's just so much you can ask. I think you gave it your all.

But next year, forget Semi-State. Let's go to State!

For now, let me just say you did a wonderful job, and for me personally this was maybe the most enjoyable season as a coach I've ever had. That's a tribute to each and every one of you.

In the short term, it's time to rest. Some of you will go on to other sports, which is great. Those that aren't, take a little time off, but you have to keep busy over the winter. I have a running group that meets regularly, and you are welcome to join any time. We've had high schoolers and younger run with us all the time, so that wouldn't be unusual.

Run together. Run with Coach Jo, Coach Vance, or Coach Spence. But run!

Speaking of running, looks like we will practice at the Milwaukee every morning this week at 9 AM. All are welcome.

I will work through the meet and write a bit more about it this week. For now, I'm going to rest!

Friday, October 17, 2014

This is it!


It's now or never. For the last five months we've prepared for this moment. You've done your work, now you have to apply the lessons you've learned as well.

I wish I could tell you there is no pressure. Well, there is. A bunch. You either punch your ticket or you don't, and there's no turning back. You have to master not only the course but yourselves, and do things you've not yet done. All the while you have the sure knowledge the rest of the team is counting on you.

Yup, that's pressure.

I always try to frame things in the positive, so here is my view; I'm glad my team is counting on me. I'm glad I have a chance to contribute. I'm glad I have this challenge. I'm glad to test my strength, my will, my all. If I fail, I fail, but I won't give up either way. This should be your mindset as you enter the race tomorrow. Don't worry about what might go wrong. Eyes straight ahead!

I did some recalculation after our meal tonight... we are seeded 7th right now, 18 points from 5th. For all intents and purposes, that's a three-way tie for 5th (Northview, Shakamak, BNL). And things are a great deal closer than that.

If you didn't catch how I calculated (I explained it earlier), I took the results from the Terre Haute Sectional and subtracted 45 seconds from each runner's times. I did this because the times seemed slow to me, and I figured the course must have been in bad shape. That was a very conservative thing for me to do, because the Terre Haute course is never fast.

Next I seeded all 10 teams that would be in our Regional. I placed scores for the top-5 runners of each team and calculated. Bloomington South and Terre Haute North are runaway favorites on the front, but after that, things get interesting. Let's just say next year Terre Haute South and Bloomington North had better look out!

And that brings us back to our current situation. Nothing has really changed about our plan - you all have to run a bit better, or a couple of you had better run out of your minds (or both).


Joslyn and Carrie - the early pace will determine the course of the day for both you and our team. You have to be under control if you plan to finish well, This means from the start of the second mile on you have to chase hard... and you had better. Sydney would be the perfect person to shadow, because she has a pretty good bead on how to run our course. Joslyn, had you started with Sydney (or just behind her) last week, you would have beaten her. You might want to keep that in mind.

If the team doesn't get out, you girls are 5th and 7th unattached.

Katlyn and Zoe - you two are the very definition of the bubble. You both need to run 7-flat all day, I mean pit bull tenacious mindset. That's 21:42, which should safely get you both out should we fail to leave as a team. Of course you running that time would probably get us out if all else stays the same, so it works either way. Remember, you have to accelerate once you hit the second mile. It won't feel good, but it won't kill you. If ever you needed to stand the pain, tomorrow is that day.

If the team doesn't get out, you girls are 11th and 13th on the unattached.

Chelsey and Cynthaney - don't think you two have it any easier or harder than anyone else. Chelsey, I'm asking you to do something you've nearly done before - go for 23:00. Cynthaney, I'm asking you to do something you've looked ready to do for some time - go for 23:00. If either of you can approach or crack that number, the team WILL get out, no doubt about it. You have to fire up like you never have before, and lay it all out there. It's asking a lot, just give it all you have.

There is no Semi-State for you two if the team does not get out. It's do or die.

Diana - it is imperative you hold right at the 24 mark or below. If Chelsey and Cynthaney both blow up going for their goals, you could still get us through with a solid time. That would require everyone else dropping, but it could be done. I've seen that look of determination on your face before - let's see it again tomorrow. Control in the first mile - you don't need more than 7:40 to hit your goal. Be under 15:30 at mile 2, then dig in for all you have. It's as simple as that.

Girls, you've been through a lot together. I know everyone is tired, and some of you may be battling with an inner desire for this all to be over so you can move on to other things. That is normal. That means you have pushed yourselves, and you are this --><-- close to getting the most out of yourselves. You are rested. You are trained. Why not trust your bodies and lay it out there tomorrow?

Control first mile.
Blast off second mile.
Carry on third mile and to the finish.

Bargain with yourself. Lie to yourself. Tell yourself anything you need to in order to keep the pressure up one more minute, a few more seconds, a few more steps. Just keep doing it over and over... 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Last Tune-Up Run


Did you catch that? Did you realize what I was driving at near the end of the run tonight? While specifically aimed at Diana, it applies to all of us. Here it is:

If we don't do our jobs on Saturday, today was the last workout of the season for the team. Wow. In the case of Diana, the last workout, ever. WOW.

Now I am confident you CAN do the job. Whether or not you WILL do the job is in your hands now.

I laid it on Cynthaney and Chelsey tonight, almost, but not the way I'm sure you heard it. It probably sounded like, "If you don't come through the team doesn't get out and it's all your fault." Of course that isn't what I said at all. I couched it very much in the positive. "Here's your chance to be heroes!" is the way I put it.

I am asking them to do something major - take a huge risk. If they fail, it's not their fault, because I am asking so much. But if they come through... that would be huge. In my head, there is no down side. It's a gamble, sure, but doable.

What exactly? They have to take a shot at 23:00. If they can get anywhere near it, it seals the deal. Assuming Joslyn and Carrie in the 20's, Katlyn and Zoe in the 21's, Chelsey and/or Cynthaney in the 23-low area just stamps your tickets for sure. Diana is the safety net in case it doesn't work out.

Let me remind you all the whole deal really doesn't rest on these two alone - it goes to everyone. Everyone has to do their part. If everyone can run with a purpose, the sky is the limit. In truth, any one of you girls could be the hero by having a huge drop.

For the front four, stick to the paces I gave you. Those numbers will give you all huge PRs Diana, stick to your numbers.

On to tomorrow.

I have the clippers, you bring the dye. Art Department after school - I'll get there about 20 after 3. Pizza after on me. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Weird Day - When Sydney Came Calling


It wasn't me - it was Sydney.

I would never wear that shirt. That was Sydney.

I wouldn't splash you in the mud puddles. That was Sydney.

And I CERTAINLY would not take selfies in front of Diana's senior picture. No, that Was Sydney.

Okay, so it was me. Look, it is the end of the season. As we taper, we have a lot more energy. Things can get a little goofy. It's okay to be a bit goofy! This week can feel a little tense as we begin to feel the pressure of the impending weekend race. I guess I felt it was time to blow off a little steam, as we used to say.

What we want is to feel rested, fresh, and light. Yes, we still have a job to do. Let's just not forget to enjoy the time we have left together as well.

Tomorrow will be a very short practice as in, "Done by 4:00". We are only going to run enough to loosen up - that's it. After that, go home and rest. No run on Friday, but that doesn't mean we don't have something special lined up. That's right, the time has come for my makeover.

Any of you who want to see the show should report to the Art Department after school. I will bring my clippers, you bring the dye. After, that, we'll head over to Pizza Hut, my treat. Of course, you may not want to be seen with me after you are done with me.

Amazing photo, right? That's from the archives... you guys asked about a Halloween run? That's a photo from a past hand-made costume. By Cosplay standards it's pretty lame, but it turned some heads. I wish I had a photo of my devil costume... or at least the photo the two Mormon boys stopped me to take... 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Last Speed Workout of the Season?


That was it. You have probably completed the last speedwork of the season. All we can do now is rest and run just enough to keep loose. Tomorrow will be only 4 miles again. Thursday will be 3. Friday will be off. There isn't much to add to that schedule. Well, I guess I would add both practices will be at BNL.

Our season ends Saturday unless we get through. Will we get the team or only individuals? That's up to you ladies. I know you can run fast enough to get out. Can you wrap your heads around the task before you? There really isn't anything else I can say about that the situation that hasn't already been said.

The critical part of our races this week will be sticking to the plan early on. Once you are a mile into the race you are fully committed to whatever you are doing - there is nothing to do but push on. If you catch yourself early enough, by the quarter or half mile, you can make adjustments before you blow out.

Let's understand clearly the times I think should be your targets:

Carrie and Joslyn - 20:00
Katlyn and Zoe - 21:42
Chelsey and Cynthaney - 23:00
Diana - 24:00

This plan has a mixture of risk and caution.

Diana is the failsafe - your job is to run a steady race and get your previous best on the course, something you should be able to do solidly. I don't want risk with you - I want stability. We cannot afford to have positions 5-7 run in the 25's. That would be the end of our team chances for Semi State. Now if you hit mile 2 at 15:30 or under and feel great, by all means, go for it. Still, job #1 is to have a solid base time.

That allows us to risk it a bit with Chelsey and Cynthaney. One or both of you can/will break 23 on Saturday. You have to take your shot. You have to push harder than you think possible, and you have to hang in there longer than you ever thought you could. If either one of you can break 23, you may serve up Semi State for your team. The natives in the hills will sing songs about this day.

Katlyn and Zoe, you should be solid for your time goal, IF you get out at the proper pace and IF you can attempt to make mile 2 your strongest mile. In the end, with only one mile to go, you both will be confident enough to push for the short time you have left. It won't hurt if you remember you are fighting for your individual lives.

Carrie and Joslyn are a risk because I'm asking them to do something that is out of your characters - let the front go loose. By all means, start to reel them in the second mile... if they follow character, they will be coming back. Watch for the signs, feed on it, let their weakness give you energy.

Get these numbers in your heads, ladies. Take the next few days and burn those numbers in. Tell yourselves it is going to happen. Accept no excuses!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Taper Week


The second week of taper has begun. This is the week where you'll see the big increase in your energy levels. By the end of the week you'll be crawling up the walls. You may also feel some minor aches and pains, and you'll certainly feel like you are gaining weight. All of these effects are totally normal. Do not be alarmed.

Today we did an easy run of 5 miles. It was on rolling terrain, something I wanted to do one more time before the season was up. After all, we have to race our course again this weekend, and we can't lose contact with the terrain type. For the rest of the week it will be flatter, shorter, easier.

Tomorrow we will do some sharp work, short with lots of rest. The main ideas are to keep fresh, get in contact with race pace, and try to get on it right away. Knowing what your correct race pace is will be key to having your best race on Saturday. We cannot afford to be pulled into the same situation we had this past weekend.

Joslyn - you cannot win this race from the front. That doesn't mean you don't keep in contact, but the truth is those front girls don't run the even races that would make them faster. 19:16 won this past week, which is 6:12 pace. Those girls were right behind you at the 800. The smarter race would be for you to get on 6:20 from the start and hold it. 6:20, 12:40, 19:00, 19:40. Those are the numbers.

Carrie - assuming Joslyn uses her head this week, you need to get on her heels and stay there. You cannot let any daylight open at all. You have led workouts all year long. Believe in yourself that you can hang in there with anyone on the team, because girl, you can.

Katlyn - let's get that 22:00 monkey off your back! 7:00 pace is 21:42. Coincidentally, that will likely also get you to Semi State as an individual should the team fail to get out. 7:00, 14:00, 21:00, 21:42. The math is easy to understand and track. And... you can easily do it if you don't destroy yourself in the first 800.

Zoe - same as always - lock on Katlyn's heels and hang in there. Don't let her go! You, like Carrie, push when others don't. You are stronger than you think you are. Katlyn hasn't done anything you haven't. You can stay with her, and you have to.

Chelsey - 7:20 is the number. 7:20, 14:40, 22:00, 22:45. I wish I could tell you this will be easy and it won't hurt, but that's a lie. This is a big challenge. It is within your ability, and if ever we needed you to pull a rabbit out of your hat, it's this weekend.

Cynthaney - Exactly as I said with Chelsey, but with this difference - you have to try to leave Chelsey at mile 2. You guys are great friends, and I hate to set you against one another, but this is for the good of the team. You have a great opportunity here to really drop, but you can't afford to tie your race to anyone beyond a point. Chelsey is experienced, and can get you to the point you need to jump. For the sake of the team, you have to give it all you have and try. It just might be the difference between the team getting out and only individuals.

Diana - I want you to be solid and smooth, aiming for the 7:30 mark, no lower. That would put you well below the 24 mark. Why not have you go for 23? You have to be the buffer. Chelsey and Cynthaney are faster than you, and I am gambling with them. They might break big, or they may bust - that's a chance we have to take. I need you as insurance in case they destroy themselves. If you are 24:00 - 23:30, you are perfect insurance. That's an attainable goal, and very important.

Back to Chelsey and Cynthaney - I am NOT sending you two on a suicide mission! The goals are aggressive but certainly attainable. It will take something very special, but that's the kind of thing that happens in taper. We have to try if we want the team to get out.

Finally, let's remember that I'm asking EVERYONE to step up, not just a couple. What else can I do? You all know how close it was last week with Bloomfield, right? Well, we have to face them again - along with both Bloomingtons and Terre Hautes. We cannot risk being beaten by Bloomfield or Salem. Girls, you'd better race like it's the last race of the season - it may well be!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sectional 2014


The easiest thing to do is start with the numbers. So let me do that...

Runner 800 Mile 1 Mile 2 Pace 5k MPM
Carrie 2:54:00 6:21:00 13:40:00 7:19:00 21:42:00 7:00:00
Joslyn 2:51:00 6:06:00 12:54:00 6:48:00 20:41:00 6:40:19
Katlyn 3:12:00 6:43:00 14:04:00 7:21:00 22:19:00 7:11:56
Zoe 3:12:00 6:43:00 14:04:00 7:21:00 22:25:00 7:13:52
Chelsey 3:32:00 7:18:00 15:22:00 8:04:00 24:32:00 7:54:50
Diana 3:36:00 7:41:00 16:05:00 8:24:00 25:48:00 8:19:21
Sara 3:32:00 7:24:00 15:33:00 8:09:00 24:37:00 7:56:27

At first glance these times look disappointing, maybe even to some disastrous. I might even hear that from some of my friends in the coming days, but as they say, there is more here than meets the eye.

You girls were green-lighted to run however you wanted. Why not? The worst that would happen is you would mismanage a race. All that would lead to is... slower times... but you would be in no danger of losing a finish that would get you out of Sectional. This meet was the last chance for the year to get out there and throw caution to the wind. Why not take it?

It wasn't wasted. Our finish is the highest team finish we've had since I have been coach. Last year we had no one in the top 20. This year we had three. We broke up Salem's top runners, and on top of that, Joslyn beat some of the South girls. It was a very successful outing for us, and given what has happened to the team over the last two weeks, probably the best possible outcome.

Sometimes, ladies, you race the clock; sometimes you race the place. Though you were aiming for times, you wound up racing the places. And won.

We are now in the position again of having a chance to get to Semi State, something I had considered a very distant prospect. It's still a tough road, no doubt, but at least I can see a way to it now.

Back to those splits, though... and this is where we have to get it going to the right way next week...

All of you started from 5:42 to 7:04. That meant you were anywhere from 20 seconds to 45 seconds PER MILE faster than you should have been. That doesn't work, period. You might be able to pull off a few seconds here or there over or under your pace, but you can't be off that far. As you have been reminded, it makes things pretty miserable. Every one of you collapsed at some point due to the excessive early pace. This is a mistake we cannot make next week.

We will work on that all this week, don't you worry. We'll get it right! On top of that, taper peaks NEXT week not this one. You will be most rested and ready for Regional, just as we planned. We will zero in on your appropriate level of work, you'll see.

I'm proud of you all. Whether or not you believe it, this was a great race for all of you. I have no regrets, no matter the times, because you all learned something today we can use to make us better. The times will come. Just get yourselves to Brown County again!

Now go listen to John Lennon's "Imagine" again...

Friday, October 10, 2014

A different kind of pre-race post


Ordinarily this is where you would expect to get the "Braveheart" speech. You know, "They can take away our race, but they can't take away our... SPEEDOM!" or something like that. Words are great, and the proper use of them can indeed be a powerful tool. However, even an amateur wordsmith such as myself knows you can't dip from the well too often, so tonight I want to try a different approach.

We've all suffered that phenomena where a song gets stuck in our head and we can't get it out. When it's a cool song, it's great - I could run Styx's "Renegade" 24/7 - that song rocks! Wait a sec, I can almost here it... the jig is up, the news is out, they finally found me, the renegade, who had it made, retrieved for the bounty... Ah... good times. Ask your grandparents, they'll know that one. Conversely there are the songs you hate that get caught, which is pure agony. For example, (interestingly and ironically) anything from Billy Ray or Miley Cyrus.

What's really great is when you get that song in your head that is the perfect racing song. I mean, you are rocking HARD and you get fired up. There is something tribal about music sometimes, something indescribable and emotional. There is no explanation - it simply taps into your soul. Not surprisingly, this can be just the distraction at the right moment. 

So the assignment tonight is to get a song stuck in your head. Not just any song... one you absolutely love and just makes you bang your head. The best methodology is to listen to it 10 times in a row right before bed or right after you get up - that seems to be when the mind is most imprintable. 

In order to help you understand, let me offer some scenarios and example songs. This is how it works: I offer a link, which you click, and you listen to the song while you read my description of the scene. 

As you are warming up, take the time to push your mind forward, thinking of the possibilities for the day. Think positively, think big. Don't be afraid to dream! Visualize the race, yourself strong and light, flowing up hills with deer-like ease. Flow down hills like water. Feel the power flowing down your legs to your feet that are striking faster and faster. Dream big!

At the starting line, act like you belong there. Project strength, always. Don't stare anyone down, but don't avert your gaze either. Get into your game mind. Start thinking about all those other girls trying to take something away from you. Imagine them all as your brothers and sisters who have just gotten into your stuff - again! Someone has to pay!

The moment has come! Everything we've done has built to this moment. Since early June you've suffered and worked hard, overcoming all to arrive at this moment. Will it have been worth it? This is where you decide!

The Good Lord forgive me for invoking this artist, but this endurance sport staple has a very good rhythm for fast-paced work - like racing! On top of that, the tag line is exactly right. 

Shhh. SSSSHHHHHH! Don't fight it. Let the Outkast pour over you. You can't listen to this song and be down. No, you can't. 

I think we can agree this will be the anthem of the day!

It's going to be a sloppy day, ladies. Bring spikes, layers of clothes, and great attitudes. Do your homework tonight and be ready!

Thursday, October 9, 2014



So here we are... on the brink of Sectional. I am excited, I don't mind telling you. Even if it rains, the weather is definitely in our favor. It will be cool, and that's the main thing. You will be rested, and you will run fast.

I will want you there by 9:30 AM. SHARP! It will likely rain between now and then, and the course will be a bit sloppy. Bring spikes if you have them. Also bring some layers of clothing, because if it winds up raining you may want to get into tights. Better to have the option than not. Same with gloves and hats. Be ready for anything.

We now turn over to the mental part of the race. I could talk a blue streak about that - in fact, I have many times. Let me simply share an experience I witnessed just tonight.

After leaving practice I took Zoe over to Parkview track to catch the BMS/SMS CC meet. Of course I wanted to see it all, but naturally I was more interested in the girls race. It stands to reason; some of the girls in the race trained with us all summer. On top of that, Ramirez was chasing the course record she'd missed by only one second the last time she raced it.

It was a three-girl race from the jump. Jennifer popped right off the front, Chelsea and Autumn trailing slightly behind. That gap would grow, but Chelsea and Autumn used one another to break the rest of the field.

The gap between the three girls grew and grew. It wound up being something like 200 meters by the end, an impressive feat. Better still, the former course record of 12:59 was shattered, lowered all the way to 12:22. Autumn out kicked Chelsea in the end, and it would be a while before the rest of the field came in.

Now here comes the inspirational part.

Ramirez didn't have to run that hard. She had the win in the bag, the course record was hers after midway, all she had to do was cruise. There was no one to push her. There was no reason to run so hard, except for one.

She knew she could.

See how utterly simple and elemental that epiphany is? Jennifer can race you and go fast, or she can focus on a goal and run fast without you. That is incredibly mature racing. Jennifer is fast because she won't accept anything less than her best. She could fool all of us, but she can't fool herself. She would know. And that's enough to keep pushing.

The hard thing about doing anything at all at the highest possible level is the fear you take into it. Instead of putting our eyes straight ahead and going for it, we turn left and right and behind, looking for those things that might go wrong. We let things get into our heads that shouldn't be there. We lose the focus. It doesn't have to be.

There are things you control, but many more things you can't and won't. Keep your eyes on the things you can affect, ignore everything else. Have courage, have faith, and have the will to keep going when it seems tough. The tougher it is, the greater your glory. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ol' Milwaukee


That 5 miles went easily, didn't it? That's taper talkin' baby!

In the next two weeks, the best thing we can do is rest. Next, we have to run enough to stay loose and stay in contact with running "feel". That doesn't mean we start running everything faster, oh no... that wouldn't be rest.

Tonight I kept running to the front, not because I wanted to be up there; quite the opposite. I had planned to run off the back tonight. When I saw girls taking off from the pack - hard - I knew I'd better get up there and control it some. That's a good problem to have, isn't it? That's it's easy to run too fast?

Cynthaney ran the fastest 5 miles she's ever run tonight. That is taper. She wasn't even really breathing hard. Ladies, just like she came in from two days of not running and ran her fastest time - by far - can you imagine how you're going to feel this weekend?

We are getting through Sectional, no doubt. We want momentum taking us into Regional. Let's get some this weekend! For Madison!

Practice at BNL tomorrow, 3-4 miles, done by 4:15-4:30 at the latest. Mr. Gatti's at 6:30!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Short but Sharp


Runner 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total MPM 5k
Carrie 1:41:00 1:36:00 1:36:00 1:36:00 1:36:00 1:35:00 9:40:00 6:26:40 19:58:40
Joslyn 1:41:00 1:36:00 1:36:00 1:36:00 1:36:00 1:35:00 9:40:00 6:26:40 19:58:40
Katlyn 1:43:00 1:40:00 1:42:00 1:43:00 1:43:00 1:45:00 10:16:00 6:50:40 21:13:04
Zoe 1:43:00 1:39:00 1:42:00 1:42:00 1:43:00 1:45:00 10:14:00 6:49:20 21:08:56
Chelsey 1:53:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:53:00 11:06:00 7:24:00 22:56:24
Diana 1:53:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:53:00 11:06:00 7:24:00 22:56:24
Sara 1:53:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:51:00 1:50:00 1:53:00 11:07:00 7:24:40 22:58:28
Kate 1:53:00 1:50:00 1:51:00 1:51:00 1:50:00 1:53:00 11:08:00 7:25:20 23:00:32

That's tonight's workout in a nutshell. It was a workout designed to help teach you to get on rhythm right away and stay there. It wasn't intended to pancake you, and from what I could tell, it didn't. Sara didn't spit out her gum the whole time!

Think about how that went... you didn't struggle with anything other than running slowly enough to hit your splits! Yeah, that's right... you had to slow down to get to your splits. That's the other thing about this kind of workout... it shows you that you can run that fast if you control yourself. 

C'mon... you all know you could have kept going. Easily. You didn't need all the rest either. In fact, on the last one, most of you tried to hit your assigned numbers by hitting the brakes in the last 100 yards! It was that easy.

The rest of the week is going to get easier. Tomorrow we will run 5 easy miles on the Milwaukee trail. Thursday will be less. Friday less still. That's right. Hard work is done. It's down to rest!

Get fired up... this weekend is going to be GREAT!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Down to the Wire!


Here we go. First step of the State Series is upon us this Saturday. Are we ready? I like to think so. We have a group that has trained since June, and runs have looked really good in practice. Physically at least I think we are ready.

Mentally... well, that is something you can never tell. I talked to a couple of you tonight of the mindset you have to have on the line of a race. You have to set your mind hard on a central idea, a point really, and focus on nothing else.

When I coached boys I had some real head cases. I had this one boy who would hit the line and his eyes went nuts looking up and down the line. He looked scared out of his wits. I would have to grab him by the singlet, pull his face into mine, and I would give him three simple things to think about. There was no use getting to technical at that point - he was only a brain stem by then. Panic can do that to you. The thing with him was if I could get to him at the right moment, those ideas would stick and he would be great.

We all get like that at some point. The bigger the race, the bigger the stakes, the bigger the pressure. You have to believe me when I say most of that pressure is self-inflicted, and therefore you can push it off. One of the best ways to do that is with confidence. In what? Your training.

Look, when I train for an event, it's not just for a few weeks before - it's months, if not a year in some cases. A standard marathon plan would be 6 months with 8-10 weeks of 20-mile runs once a week, 50+ miles a week total training. More than that, the 20-milers would be (by the end of the cycle) done at or near race-pace. In that way I could line up knowing I could carry that pace easily for 20 miles. Taper would take me through the rest. And it worked.

Think of what you folks have done. I've standardized your distance at 7-8 miles on regular days for a reason... so you would be over distance. The more you do that, the more comfortable 5k becomes. Comfort brings confidence, confidence brings effort, effort brings success. It may not be fun to do those runs all the time, but they add up - and they matter.

Think of the intervals, the speed you've held. You have the speed to go the goal times I've set - easily! You have the endurance. You have to dig for the desire. I'm not doubting your hearts... only your focus. Think of it like this: if I told all of you that instead of letting you color my beard I would give you $500 if you hit the goals I gave you, how long before you all blew through them? Not very long, I promise you that. So what changed? Easy: you had a very good reason to take the hurt.

Think on that this week... what is it that motivates you? Is it internal or external? I'll delve more into that tomorrow, I think...

Practice at BNL tomorrow. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014



It was a tough one out there today. The weather was good in my opinion, if a bit blustery. The course rolled, and certainly wasn't fast, based on the times I saw from other schools. We hoped for 3rd, wound up 5th, if only by 11 points.

That's both disappointing and encouraging. Sure, I'm disappointed about 5th, I won't lie. It was a tough road for you all, and I guess I was hoping luck would break our way. What is encouraging is despite losing a critical piece of the top-5 we could hang within 11 points of the place we wanted. That goes to you, girls.

Of course Joslyn had an outstanding day. Not just because she took 11th and HM honors... no, more because she beat all but TWO of the Seymour girls! That's a pretty great accomplishment!

It's not like you girls ran horribly... I sure hope I don't come off that way. You didn't. You can look up times for the other teams, and I think what you're going to see is how slow the field was overall. I think most of you took your shots, and for that I can't ask more.

And yet I have to.

There are only two possible paths to Semi State for us now... individually or as a team. Unless EVERYONE improves a bit or ONE PERSON improves dramatically, there is no path forward after Regional for the team. I can't sugarcoat that.

The thing is, as a team you've already improved so much. I don't know how much more I can expect or ask from you. I certainly think everyone can be better... why else taper? What I cannot do is point at someone and say, "You HAVE to drop 30 seconds!" and lay that pressure and guilt upon her. I won't do it.

I WILL say everyone CAN improve at least 30 seconds yet from their present time. Taper WILL make you feel better, even on our course. I will remind the veteran runners that many of you ran your best times last year AT SECTIONAL. That's right, ON OUR COURSE. Get it in your heads... you can go fast on our home course. And if you want to go on past Regional, you need to.

We always knew this would be tough. So let's get to it!

Friday, October 3, 2014

If you are reading this, you should be in BED!


Let's keep this simple and sweet tonight.

Tomorrow we run for Conference honors. Top 14 girls achieve individual honors - top 7 are All-Conference, next 7 are Honorable Mention. Floyd and Seymour will make it tough to break the top 14, but taking a lesson from Jennifer last night, that's no excuse to give up.

Our real battle though is the team competition. We are neck-and-neck with Columbus East. I happen to believe we can beat them. How? That's easy - we match up with them man-to-man. If our #1 beats theirs, #2 beats beats theres, etc. we win. It really is that simple.

I can make it even easier... if she is wearing orange shorts, beat her. Better still, beat her badly. Put 2 or 3 runners between you. Every point will matter in the end.

You all need to come up big. Chelsey and Cynthaney, more than ever you guys need to fight one another. One or both of you HAVE to break 23 minutes in the coming weeks. Might as well start tomorrow!

Great racing weather coming tomorrow, ladies. Make sure you bring warm clothes. See you by the pool at 7:20 AM!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Beginning of the End and WOW! Jennifer!


I said last night was the last of the really hard stuff (other than races) for the rest of the season, and I meant it. Tonight's 5-miler was as easy as they get. True, we had a couple of hills, but c'mon, it was easy. Tomorrow we run only 3 miles, and if you will be on time and start on time, you should easily be done by 4 o'clock. I would have my parents there no later than 4:15 for sure.

You all stayed for the Middle School Invite, and I'm sure glad you did. Did you see all those girls that ran with us this summer? They did great! Be proud of them and yourselves; you had a hand in their success! You are their mentors and role models, and you were great to them this summer. That's the way it's all supposed to work.

Of course individually it's always fun to watch the rivalries... Autumn and Chelsea and Danielle and the new blonde girl from OMS only Joslyn knows (but can't remember her name). Blonde girl beat Autumn who beat Chelsea who beat Danielle... I think... it's all a blur now... and they all congratulated each other afterward. I like that a lot. They all know that some day they will all be teammates, so it's all good.

I would be remiss if I didn't specifically point out Ramirez. Coming out of the woods in the second half of the race it looked as if the Batchelor kids had her number. She wasn't blown out, she was actually starting to move up again, but it was going to be tough. It was looking like third at best. Next thing you know, she's plowing up the hill the second time alone, and winning! Unbelievable for anyone but Jennifer. There was only one girl left to give any chase, and it was weakly attempted at that. In the end it was all Ramirez.

Of course later we found out the two girls ahead took the wrong turn at the bottom of the hill. Apparently they continued on after the turn. Jennifer yelled, they didn't listen, and that was that. Ramirez was upset about it, felt like she cheated them, and somehow that lessened her victory.


I had a chance to talk to Jennifer after that. "Jennifer, you had a great race." says I. "You don't have any apologies to make, you did nothing wrong. It's up to the runners and the coaches to know the course. You did what you had to do." Her response, "Yeah, but..."

"Yeah but NOTHING" I interrupted. "If it were a soccer game and a keeper left the goal and you had the ball in front of the net, would you wait until she got back in there before you shot?"

Jennifer giggled. "No!" The truth was obvious.

"Well then, why would you do it here?" I finished.

I explained to her specifically why it was a great race, even if the victory in part came because of the mistakes of the other two runners: it's always that way on some level. Runners with less talent often beat more talented runners. If you don't use your head and your heart when you compete, you have made a mistake someone else can and will exploit. It's that moment I've talked about all season, that opportunity, and you have to take it, because it is so fleeting.

This was something else I pointed out to her... she didn't win tonight just because they went the wrong way. None of that would have mattered if she hadn't been so tough, hated losing so much, that she didn't give up as soon as the girls first broke from her. Jennifer never gave up. Maybe they would beat her, but she wasn't going to let it be easy. She fought every step of the way, and because of that was in a position to capitalize when the moment came. In a weird way, to me, this win was much sweeter because it tested Jennifer's character, and because she is such a special competitor, she got her win.

We could all learn a lesson from that. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Just a little motivation

Hope you girls haven't forgotten our little bets. I know I haven't. I was doing some quick (and very dirty) Photoshop work tonight. I won't claim it to be my best work - heck, I won't even call it good. Simply let it remind you of the possibilities that await you in the next week.

Diana is already in the club. I think Madison is also an honorary member, giving her all to the team as she has. Who else will make it? Who else wants to make their mark?

Bear in mind, I also have grown my head of hair, little though there is. That's fair game too.

I contacted the Madison High School AD concerning the numbers we are allowed to run this week. The results are predictable - only 7 will be allowed in the Varsity race. That's a shame. I am hoping for a minor mutiny from the other coaches, at least enough to get to run a time trial on the course. Certain things have to be sorted out!

Any way it goes, Sara and Kate need to be ready to run. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING can happen right before a meet. Anyone remember the last two years? Diana should... she's been added last second to a few races in that time. Conference was one of them (Jennings County). If one of the top-7 can't run, number 8 does. That's what you're there for.

Tonight was the last hard workout before taper. Our miles won't change a bunch right away, but our hard stuff definitely will. For the last night I wanted to get one more tempo. Not everyone needed to do it, nor was it desirable. I grabbed the top four girls and headed down the trail.

First, the apology. I had no intention of running you as hard as I did, at least not at first. I really just wanted to keep it in the 7:30ish range. It didn't stay that way long. Things got faster and faster, and soon the group began to break up. I should have pulled it back, but Carrie could still talk easily. No, I saw an opportunity and I took it.

The longer the run went, the more I could see a chance to prove a very important point. I think everyone is physically ready for what is to come. It's the mental part that needs a final tweaking. I know we have two girls in the low 20's and two in the mid 21's right now. Do THEY know it? How better to make the point than to prove it by doing the work?

As the run went on, the gap grew, but not dramatically. Carrie complained about her knee. Keep going, says I. We were close, so very close to the final mark. We were going to get there. I know she didn't want to do it, especially at the end. But she could. And she did. That's one of my jobs, ladies... I'm supposed to get you to do the things you should do but don't want to.

How did it go? How about 6:58, 6:58, 6:55? Those were the splits. The other girls were in within 30 seconds or so. All of them. All. Of. Them. I'm betting you all missed the significance of that at the time, so let me help you... our top runners were within one minute of one another. THAT... is huge.

I have always said whatever you can tempo for 3 miles is your current race pace. I would fudge a bit more on that... you did a speed workout yesterday. We also didn't warm up, we went straight into the run. No way you were fresh, no WAY you did as well as you might have with a proper warm up. I guess I wanted to prove to you how fast you can run anytime, anywhere.

After talking with Coach Jill on the cool-down, I promised to relate a story I shared with Kate just the other night. This relates to all of you, so bear with me...

When I started running, I was fresh off a power lifting background. I weighed 235 pounds and was all about strength. I'd dropped some weight and ran my first 5k, breaking 18:00 my first try. While I couldn't understand what an accomplishment that was at the time, I wasn't new to endurance sports. I had goals, and I brashly stated I wanted to run 15:30 some day.

My friend looked at me, paused, then said, and I quote, "Bill, I don't know about that. You may wind up being one of the best runners in Lawrence County, but I don't know about that time." I didn't know him all that well at the time, but my job is to read the context of a person's words. I perfectly understood his meaning. Translated it meant, "In your dreams." I vowed then and there it would happen.

Flash forward a few years. I was in the last weeks of a thoroughly harsh training cycle. It had been a hot summer, and I'm no heat runner. I survived day-by-day wondering how I would run the next workout. It is the measure of how stubborn I am that I kept after it anyway, not knowing how the next workout would happen, but doing it anyway.

Mentally this takes a toll on you.Your confidence takes a beating, and you get tired of hurting. I had broken 16:00 several times, but couldn't get below 15:40. It was a barrier. With two races left in the season I was on fumes. I wanted it to be over so I could rest. I made myself a compromise... if I could get 15:30-anything, I would consider it close enough.

Persimmon Festival 5k came, I ran, taking 3rd. Time: 15:40.05. Close, painfully close, but no cigar. Now I had to run the final race of the season. I hated the idea, hated running, wanted to find any excuse to not go, but a clear voice in my head told me I would never forgive myself for giving up that close. The voice was of course right.

So I was driving down to Seymour, bargaining again. "If I am not under 5-flat at mile 1, I walk off the course. If I'm not under 10-flat at 2, I walk off the course." I found myself almost hoping I wouldn't hit the marks. Still, I went, and when the gun went off, I quickly fell into race mode.

Mile 1 came. 4:59. Dangit! I had to go on.

Mile 2 came. 9:58. DANGIT! I had to go on.

There was no turning back now, and though I fell off a bit the third mile, I brought it home in 15:33, my 5k P.R.

Now here comes the lesson - we all are tired. We all want to rest. We are all tired of hurting, we are tired of the whole thing. That is normal. What I promise you is if you let up, if you give up, if you don't give it your all now, you will know it. YOU will know it, and YOU won't forgive yourself. You have to say "NO!" to that weakness that tries to bargain with you, persuade you it would be better to let your dreams go. NONSENSE! It's because you told that voice to shut up, because you faced your fatigue and your fear, it's because you mastered yourself that victory is all the sweeter.

Great athletes know how to push that voice down, to stay focused, and to dream of great things. We are so close ladies, so close, and I still believe this is our year. Wouldn't it be great to hit that Brown County course one more time this year? On a cool, crisp late October morning with clear, azure blue skies promising nothing but glory... Ah, to dream, and to dream big...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014



The spreadsheet would be way too large to post here tonight, so I condensed it a bit so you get an idea what the numbers actually meant. The clipped version is here:

Runner Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Pace 5k
Carrie 6:12:00 6:24:00 6:25:00 6:20:20 19:39:02
Joslyn 6:12:00 6:24:00 6:25:00 6:20:20 19:39:02
Katlyn 6:29:00 6:44:00 6:42:00 6:38:20 20:34:50
Zoe 6:28:00 6:43:00 6:42:00 6:37:40 20:32:46
Chelsey 7:13:00 7:22:00 7:20:00 7:18:20 22:38:50
Cynthaney 7:13:00 7:22:00 7:20:00 7:18:20 22:38:50
Sara 7:27:00 7:45:00 7:41:00 7:37:40 23:38:46
Kate 7:27:00 7:45:00 7:41:00 7:37:40 23:38:46


Okay, did you all realize this is the first speed workout where everyone who started finished the whole thing? Every single one? Did you also realize this was the longest distance of quality work we've done all year? Yup. Both are milestones.

What's more, the speed was pretty darn good. I'm not extrapolating much when I say you should be in the neighborhood of these times IF you had a course similar to the track. Of course we don't run like that, but is it hard to believe you could run 30 seconds slower to allow for a course? I don't think so.

I know Sara and Kate can both break 24 minutes. I knew that before the workout. 7:44 is the number, and after today, it has to be easier than ever to believe it's possible.

Chelsey and Cynthaney are also two peas in a pod. Chelsey has already run just shy of the 23:00 barrier. Cynthaney has largely bridged the gap to her. And girls, I cannot express enough how huge it would be for either or both of you to run anywhere near the times you predicted today. You both have the opportunity to be heroes this very Saturday. You both have the chance to deliver a 3rd place for our team!

Zoe and Katlyn, if you can stay focused and on form, push each other, and hang tough, yes, you could run that 21:00 number. Notice I'm not even talking about 22:00 - that's a foregone conclusion. Over the last few days I've talked to both of you about the importance of getting to the mid-21 range. Can you believe it now? I'm not crazy, am I?

Carrie and Joslyn, one or both of you could break school record this year. You need "THE DAY", where everything goes your way, but you know what? School record doesn't have to come from our course. The current one didn't - it came from Brown County. See where I'm going with this? Get yourself to Semi State, you get on that course again, right as you peak. Boom.

Diana, I don't mean to leave you out... you didn't run today out of caution. I can't have you hurt, and I don't think you are. Don't worry about missing a workout. Far better that than getting hurt. As we talked about, your training is in and you are going to do fine. I'm looking for sub-23:30 this weekend. Why not?

Look, I see nothing on the list above that can't happen. In fact, I think some of you will do it for sure. Who? I can't say. You control that. I hope you all do.

This weekend is a great opportunity. The course will be easier than ours, the weather will be PERFECT, and we are heading into tournament. If that doesn't fire you up, I don't know what can!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Down To It


We are down to it. The final weeks of the season are upon us. Conference, Sectional, Regional... Semi State? How far will we go?

Things certainly are harder now that we've lost Madison. I cannot even begin to find the words that will make her feel better about it - what can anyone say? All I can think of are the times I've lost seasons I worked so hard for, right in the home stretch as Madison has. It's tough. All that work... wasted?


Even if Madison can't lace up the shoes and run, she has been and still is a part of however far we go. How many runners have been encouraged by her, motivated by her, cared for by her? Madison's importance only began with her running. Her greater importance has been her influence, and that exists stronger than ever.

This isn't the end of course, only a detour. Madison will be back better than ever. But not this season. That is final, and we all have to come to grips with what that means. For the rest of us, it means we have to dig in, find that greater resolve to accomplish our goals. As crazy as it sounds, sometimes greater adversity simply means greater glory.

In Judges 7:1-8 125,000 Midianite soldiers were arrayed against Gideon's volunteer army of 32,000. The odds were bad enough, but then God asked Gideon to select only the men who lapped water from their hands. Only 300 Israelites did so. With this army Gideon was successful. The lesson? All things are possible when God is involved, and you have faith.

I don't know about you, but I have faith. Tons of it. In you, all of you. I firmly believe that all things happen for a reason, and with the right mindset and faith there is good, always. In the short term this is really bad for Madison; in the long term it may taker her to newer and greater heights. For the rest of you, let it remind you of how tenuous your opportunities are, and how they can never be squandered. Resolve to dig that little bit deeper, for you, for Madison, and for this team you all love.

Be lionesses. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ted Fox Invite 2014


It was another great race! Everyone gave it their best, as you should by this point in time. While only a few of you had your best times ever, almost all of you had your best ever time on the BNL course. That's no small thing. Our course is tough. I would rate it 45 seconds slower than Brown County under similar circumstances. That means you could take 45 seconds off your time today and you would see a more accurate depiction of your growth in the last two weeks.

Here are the times from today:

Runner  800 Mile 1 Mile 2 Pace Mile 3 Pace 5k MPM
Joslyn 3:15:00 6:36:00 13:26:00 6:50:00 7:23:00 6:42:44 20:49:00 6:42:54
Carrie 3:15:00 6:29:00 13:16:00 6:47:00 7:40:00 6:58:11 20:56:00 6:45:10
Katlyn 3:23:00 6:56:00 14:00:00 7:04:00 8:08:00 7:23:38 22:08:00 7:08:23
Zoe 3:23:00 6:56:00 14:16:00 7:20:00 8:13:00 7:28:11 22:29:00 7:15:10
Madison 3:26:00 7:09:00 14:41:00 7:32:00 8:41:00 7:53:38 23:22:00 7:32:15
Chelsey 3:34:00 7:21:00 15:14:00 7:53:00 8:50:00 8:01:49 24:04:00 7:45:48
Diana 3:35:00 7:22:00 15:10:00 7:48:00 8:47:00 7:59:05 23:57:00 7:43:33
Cynthaney 3:25:00 7:12:00 15:10:00 7:58:00 8:50:00 8:01:49 24:00:00 7:44:31
Sara 3:23:00 7:13:00 15:21:00 8:08:00 9:09:00 8:19:05 24:30:00 7:54:12
Kate 3:29:00 7:13:00 15:40:00 8:27:00 9:33:00 8:40:55 25:13:00 8:08:04

It's hard to tell who to give this race to, if I were to try to award "best race of the day". Obviously you have Joslyn and Carrie breaking 21... then there's Katlyn running even splits better than anyone else... Madison for toughing out a hurt foot... Diana for breaking the 24 barrier... Cynthaney for almost doing the same... it goes on and on. Frankly you all deserve credit. It was a great team effort.

Speaking of which, the 7th place finish is a very good finish in that field. There were some tough teams present! The good/bad news is if Madison had been healthy we would have taken 5th. We would have beaten Columbus East, and been very close to Terre Haute South. The fact is though, Madison IS hurt, so like it or not we will have to deal with that. 

I already spoke of this after the meet, but I want to put it down again in words so it can be reviewed (if necessary). It is never upon any one particular runner to get a team to the next level. Every runner on the team has a responsibility to elevate as the season goes on. Madison getting hurt is not her fault, and there is nothing for her to do but try to get better. 

Interesting fact: lionesses are communal animals. Their success in hunting depends upon their reliance on one another. If a lioness becomes ill, the others will care for her until she can hunt again. The pack realizes the necessity of having a healthy group of animals for mutual survival. 

I like to think of you ladies as young lionesses. You are smart, strong, and you watch your opponents for weaknesses you can exploit, When you are hunting, it's all business; when the hunt is over you retain your playfulness. Yeah, I like that.

Anyway... you lionesses are going to have to care for one of your own. How? By taking a greater share of the hunt. You remaining girls are going to have to carry a heavier portion of the load. Take heart! Look to your left, look to your right, there is a sister right there who shares the load with you. Join your courage and commitment and understand it's a burden you take together. 

Great teams rise through adversity. I believe you girls are a great team, and though this is not the way I would see it tested, I am confident you will find a way to make it work. 

Now to the lighter stuff:

See that? Today we added three new names. Joslyn, Katlyn, and Zoe joined the illustrious group. Diana, though she broke 24, is a bit shy of getting on. Same for Cynthaney. But they were close!

Diana can at least console herself on one issue. She hit her goal today, meaning my beard is going to take some damage. How much will soon be seen, but somewhere in the next three weeks I'll have to wear a paper bag over my head when in public...

Current Top 25
1 Samantha Sheldon 19:45:00
2 Casey Gillespie 19:59:00
3 Danielle Page 20:27:00
4 Hanna Guthrie 20:42:00
5 Joslyn Wever 20:49:00
6 Elizabeth Sheldon 20:54:00
7 Carrie Flinn 20:57:00
8 Molly McDonald 21:00:00
9 Alli Guthrie 21:27:00
10 Alannah Moore 21:30:00
11 Morgan Bartlett 21:35:00
12 Kathrin Koster 21:38:00
13 Courtney Crane 21:39:00
14 Shelby Bennett 21:39:00
15 Whitley Crane 21:48:00
16 Lauren Boshears 21:54:00
17 Megan Cox 22:04:00
18 Kaitlyn Ueltischi 22:05:00
19 Katlyn Eagan 22:08:00
20 Bret Roberts 22:12:00
21 Keeley Bobbs 22:13:00
22 Madison Ryan 22:27:00
23 Zoe Zollman 22:29:00
24 Morgan Deckard 22:53:00
25 Morgan Benstin 23:04:00