Thursday, October 16, 2014

Last Tune-Up Run


Did you catch that? Did you realize what I was driving at near the end of the run tonight? While specifically aimed at Diana, it applies to all of us. Here it is:

If we don't do our jobs on Saturday, today was the last workout of the season for the team. Wow. In the case of Diana, the last workout, ever. WOW.

Now I am confident you CAN do the job. Whether or not you WILL do the job is in your hands now.

I laid it on Cynthaney and Chelsey tonight, almost, but not the way I'm sure you heard it. It probably sounded like, "If you don't come through the team doesn't get out and it's all your fault." Of course that isn't what I said at all. I couched it very much in the positive. "Here's your chance to be heroes!" is the way I put it.

I am asking them to do something major - take a huge risk. If they fail, it's not their fault, because I am asking so much. But if they come through... that would be huge. In my head, there is no down side. It's a gamble, sure, but doable.

What exactly? They have to take a shot at 23:00. If they can get anywhere near it, it seals the deal. Assuming Joslyn and Carrie in the 20's, Katlyn and Zoe in the 21's, Chelsey and/or Cynthaney in the 23-low area just stamps your tickets for sure. Diana is the safety net in case it doesn't work out.

Let me remind you all the whole deal really doesn't rest on these two alone - it goes to everyone. Everyone has to do their part. If everyone can run with a purpose, the sky is the limit. In truth, any one of you girls could be the hero by having a huge drop.

For the front four, stick to the paces I gave you. Those numbers will give you all huge PRs Diana, stick to your numbers.

On to tomorrow.

I have the clippers, you bring the dye. Art Department after school - I'll get there about 20 after 3. Pizza after on me. 

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