Monday, September 29, 2014

Down To It


We are down to it. The final weeks of the season are upon us. Conference, Sectional, Regional... Semi State? How far will we go?

Things certainly are harder now that we've lost Madison. I cannot even begin to find the words that will make her feel better about it - what can anyone say? All I can think of are the times I've lost seasons I worked so hard for, right in the home stretch as Madison has. It's tough. All that work... wasted?


Even if Madison can't lace up the shoes and run, she has been and still is a part of however far we go. How many runners have been encouraged by her, motivated by her, cared for by her? Madison's importance only began with her running. Her greater importance has been her influence, and that exists stronger than ever.

This isn't the end of course, only a detour. Madison will be back better than ever. But not this season. That is final, and we all have to come to grips with what that means. For the rest of us, it means we have to dig in, find that greater resolve to accomplish our goals. As crazy as it sounds, sometimes greater adversity simply means greater glory.

In Judges 7:1-8 125,000 Midianite soldiers were arrayed against Gideon's volunteer army of 32,000. The odds were bad enough, but then God asked Gideon to select only the men who lapped water from their hands. Only 300 Israelites did so. With this army Gideon was successful. The lesson? All things are possible when God is involved, and you have faith.

I don't know about you, but I have faith. Tons of it. In you, all of you. I firmly believe that all things happen for a reason, and with the right mindset and faith there is good, always. In the short term this is really bad for Madison; in the long term it may taker her to newer and greater heights. For the rest of you, let it remind you of how tenuous your opportunities are, and how they can never be squandered. Resolve to dig that little bit deeper, for you, for Madison, and for this team you all love.

Be lionesses. 

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