Tuesday, September 16, 2014



Sorry for the lateness of the post... I'm getting my desktop together again, and that required a trip to Bloomington for parts. Things are beginning to straighten out for good (I hope), and that's a welcome development.

Let me try to paste the results of the workout today. Here goes!

Runner 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Pace Proj. 5k
Carrie 3:02:00 3:03:00 2:59:00 3:00:00 2:58:00 3:00:00 18:02:00 6:00:40 18:38:04
Joslyn 3:05:00 3:08:00 3:03:00 3:03:00 3:01:00 2:58:00 18:18:00 6:06:00 18:54:36
Katlyn 3:06:00 3:09:00 3:04:00 3:03:00 3:04:00 3:03:00 18:29:00 6:09:40 19:05:58
Madison 3:06:00 3:09:00 3:04:00 3:08:00 12:27:00 6:13:30 19:17:51
Zoe 3:07:00 3:09:00 3:04:00 3:04:00 3:04:00 3:03:00 18:31:00 6:10:20 19:08:02
Chelsey 3:22:00 3:24:00 3:33:00 10:19:00 6:52:40 21:19:16
Diana 3:22:00 3:25:00 3:27:00 3:29:00 3:32:00 3:32:00 20:47:00 6:55:40 21:28:34
Cynthany 3:38:00 3:48:00 3:44:00 3:38:00 3:30:00 3:26:00 21:44:00 7:14:40 22:27:28
Sara  3:38:00 3:48:00 3:44:00 3:41:00 14:51:00 7:25:30 23:01:03
Kate 3:31:00 3:18:00 3:17:00 3:14:00 3:08:00 3:18:00 19:46:00 6:35:20 20:25:32

There! That seems to have worked! What does it all add up to?

Carrie, you seem to have even splits, but there was still the tendency, especially early on in the workout, to dart out. The problem with that is there won't be any breaks in the action during a race, and once the sustainable line is crossed, the show is over. It wasn't nearly as bad as last week, but it was there. This will be your Achilles Heel until it is resolved. That's the negative - here's the positive. That was 6-flat pace for 3 miles. I know your knee hurts, and it might tomorrow too. There is no other way to get you to your goal. You can bet Sydney and Andrea are doing this. That's who you are racing in the end. I feel like if you can comfortably run 6-flat pace, you should be able to handle 6:30 in a race. That's 20:09, a time I can easily see you doing.

Joslyn, that was a brilliant workout. You were under on every one, and your pacing was flawless. You rode the line just as you should have. You finished with a slower pace than Carrie on paper, but I felt a lot more confident in your ability to hold it because it was evenly split. For that reason I could see you running 6:30 as well, and holding it. That's two girls right at 20!

Katlyn, you have become a monster! I honestly didn't see you running that far under 3:15 for all of them, but you did it. WOW! What you are doing, week after week, is toughing it out, hanging there with the next fastest girl ahead of you, and closing the gap. It. Works. You realize by running that 6:09 average you likely could 5k in the 6:45 range, placing you at 20:55. That's right, sub-21! You will go under 22, there is no question about it; sub-21 is looking more and more certain.

Madison, 6:13 pace had to feel sweet. The projected 21:11 would be a minute P.R. That would be great, too! That is a conservative goal, assuming a good course and a good day (and you rested). Believe it, you haven't lost your speed. Not by a long shot!

Zoe, same as Katlyn. You guys should be breaking 21 in no time. What I want to add to my comments about your workout tonight is how tough you hung with Katlyn. You put your eyes on her and never took them off. That works, because it gives you one thing and one thing only to worry about. Everyone needs their thing, the one thing they can hang onto when it gets tough, and that may be it for you. Regardless, you certainly have the physical tools to get the job done. You also realize that would be 5 girls under 21? (yes, Madison, you will be under 21 also)

Chelsey, you started off like a champ. I know you got sore quickly, but you did attack. The goal I gave you was very aggressive, I know. That's not going to change, because I think on the right day you can do it. We have to get you ready as possible in case the stars align like they did this past week. Could you see another 2-minute drop? Hey, I'm a fan. I think you can do anything right now.

Diana, keep the faith. You are working so hard, and like Chelsey, I gave you a very aggressive goal. At 6:55 you beat the 7:00 load I placed on you. That checks out to be an easy sub-23 time. Yes, it does! I heard you laughing through the Internet. I have spies. Or big ears. Or both.

Cynthany, loved it. Loved. It. You are getting more and more confident, and I'm beginning to see a racer in there I didn't know existed. Sub-24 is on your short list, believe it or not. You are getting stronger by the day. If you can take the pain, you can do the time.

Sara, same as Cynthany almost completely. You guys ran together and against one another today, though at times I did have to holler at you. That's okay, that's what a coach is for! Your ability to handle the pain increases by the day, and as it does your time is plummeting. I cannot see how you don't break 24 in the very near future.

Kate, ah Kate. You just might have the fastest legs on the team. You certainly have the prettiest stride - when you are on step your front leg balances perfectly under your centerline, and your back leg has a good kickup. The ticket for you is keeping things attainable, finding that perfect "carrot" for you to chase. You went easy on the first lap of the first few intervals, then charged in the second half. Once Coach and I picked up on that (pretty much at the same time, BTW), it was time to send you after the big girls - and you kept up. If you could channel a little Katlyn, ask her how she focuses during hard work, and master that quality, you would be running #1. Not kidding.

In summary, I realize the chart above shows times ranging from 18:38 - 23:01. That's not realistic based on the way the workout was conducted. Fatigue would set in, and you would slow. However, my "gut feeling" adjustment is 30 seconds per mile, or 90 seconds total. That is WAY conservative, and gives a very realistic look at what you did (assuming you did all 6). I guess what I'm saying is you can take the goal times I gave you to the bank. They will happen barring the unforseen.

I want to add one final thing... I thank God every day I have the opportunity to work with you ladies. Just know the world might be crashing down around me, but my oasis is the time I spend with you all. Ordinarily by this time of year it's getting harder and harder to keep it up, everyone is tired and grumpy, but not this year. I never want it to end! In almost 40 years of coaching I have never been able to say that.

You are special - each and every one of you.

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