Sunday, September 14, 2014

Something to Study - Addition to Yesterday's post

RunnerMile 1Mile 2PaceFinal1.1 mileMile 3 PaceOverall Pace

Thanks to my good buddy Timmy G. for alerting me to the error I had in the third mile times. I'd forgotten (in my haste) about the distance being 1.1 miles, therefore the final split was reflected incorrectly. It has since been broken down to a more accurate split, though not perfect. No way to get that from where I was on the course. 

Okay, so looking at this, Joslyn had a near perfect race. The middle mile was only slightly slow, and I do mean slightly. I really have no complaints about it, though I would warn about the second mile doldrums one can encounter. 

Carrie's splits are a bit more erratic. This was a result of that first half of the first mile. This is a good race, but when laid alongside Joslyn's, my point is easily made. This is a minor tweak to your pace, a relatively easy correction to make. 

Katlyn, Madison, and Zoe, I would have you do nearly the same thing again, which is to try to go out at 7-flat. Remember? 7-flat all day? That 10 seconds on the front hurt you in the end. Great races, seriously. You just stepped slightly over the line in the first mile is all. 

Chelsey, you pretty much are like Joslyn... it would be hard to imagine running a much better race. The middle mile was slightly slow, but that might be due to variances in the course. It seems you all dropped a little on that one. You came back the final mile and hammered. Great race!

Diana, you fell off a bit the last couple of miles, but so what. You hung in there longer than ever. I'm coming around to believing you just have to run tough in the middle, pacing be darned. You have nothing to lose by cutting loose, so you might as well. Just know the middle mile is what makes or breaks your races. 

Cynthany and Sara, you ran virtually identical races. Nothing wrong with that as you were fighting each other. You also both came back hard in the final mile and negative split, which is always a good thing. It shows you are still fighting. Great work!

Kate, once you lost contact, your eyes went to the ground and you were just trying to survive it. It was a great race, make no mistake, and I don't mean to sound negative. I will warn you a head pointing at the ground is something I look for when I'm in a race, because I know that person is finished. Eyes should always be up, you should always be watching what is going on around you. You don't want to miss opportunities. 

Okay, here's a thought I will leave you with... you all finished around runners. Let's imagine each of you passed one more person. Just one. You know what would have happened? You would have beaten Terre Haute North. Think on that. Always remember that when you are headed down the home stretch. I have had the agony of coaching a boys' team that missed going to State on the 6th man tiebreaker. It does happen, and it isn't fun! I know it hurts like crazy to push for every last shirt, but it hurts a lot more to miss a season-long goal when you know you could have gone harder, gotten one more person...


  1. 3 mile ave appears not to reflect the 1/10 mi. Just an observation.


  2. Good catch. I will have to notate that. Or correct it.
