Friday, September 25, 2015

Beard Bets


Okay, so our top-7 is set.

  1. Carrie
  2. Baili
  3. Danielle
  4. Zoe
  5. Molly
  6. Sara
  7. Ani
But that does not mean you don't all have something big to shoot for! No, I'm not talking about the top-12 list just yet... though you should think about that too. I'm talking about the beard!

Here's where I give you targets for the race, indeed, the season. Hit these and you can hit my beard and hair with whatever punishment you dream up. 

  1. Carrie - move up one spot on the All-Time Top-25. You need three seconds off your best time on the course. 
  2. Baili - make the top-10 on the All-Time Top-25. You need around 6 seconds. 
  3. Danielle - make the All-Time Top-25 board. You'll need to beat 23:04 - unless someone goes faster than that and you. Either way, you have to be on the board by the end of the day. 
  4. Zoe - break 23:00.
  5. Molly - break 23:45.
  6. Sara - break 24:00.
  7. Ani - break 24:00.
  8. Kate - break 24:00.
  9. Katlyn - break 24:00. 
  10. Madison - break 24:00.
  11. Delaney - break 24:20.
  12. Chelsey - break 24:30.
  13. Cynthaney - break 24:30.
  14. Amber - break 26:00.
  15. Alannah - break 26:00.
  16. Payton - break 26:00.
Joslyn and Ali, you have given your all to the cause - you are already winners. Plan your vengeance!

In addition to all of this, I will purchase a T-shirt. The shirt will go to the girl with the most significant race. I'm being a bit more vague about this one, because it's difficult to level time drops across all ability levels. What I'm looking for is growth or change (in a positive direction). 

Varsity races at 9:30, JV at 10:30 - be at the tent by 8:30. Right now it looks like rain. Plan accordingly. Remember, race, cool down, leave (if you wish). I know it's Homecoming.

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