Thursday, August 7, 2014



No one likes them. No one. It's the workout you dread, the one you hate, and the one that whips you the hardest. It's the one that can make you feel weak and small. If you choose to let it be, it's the workout that will break you.

On the other hand, it's the workout that toughens you. It's the one that challenges you, that helps you grow, and teaches you to overcome. It's the workout that gives you focus, that expands your physical abilities, the one that lets you know the hill can't break you.

It's all a matter of perspective, or more correctly, which perspective you choose.

Pain for the most part can be overcome. That doesn't mean it goes away; it only means you learn how to manage it. The more pain you can manage, the more you can accomplish. Why would you want to? Tough question for sure, but it's certainly a lot more than about how fast you can run.

Sports are the great metaphor of life they say. Sure, you could say you don't want or need to go through the pain of being your best on the running side of things, and you'd be right. However that's something that often can be revealing of character. Is this how all difficult challenges in your life will be handled? If college stops being fun or gets too hard, should you quit? Should a job be ecstatically exciting every single day? Are relationships always an easy path? Pick whatever life parallel you want, but the truth is nothing truly worth having comes easily.

What we have here is the chance to experience something very few people do. We get a chance to be a part of something special, a chance to learn in a real way each of us has value, and what we accomplish together is so much greater than any of us could individually. There are so many life lessons wadded into a hard workout, none of which can be separated from the activity.

Sports, simply put, are a reflection of life.

Here's the nugget I've been building to... the way you approach a challenge says a lot about your chances of success, and ultimately your character. You will not win every time you try, no matter how hard you try. However, if you keep trying you will ultimately succeed. And I can tell you from personal experience the sweetest successes come from the most bitter of defeats. You see, not only did you achieve the goal you aimed for, but you know also what you had to overcome to get it. It's like winning twice.

Hill workouts aren't easy - they aren't supposed to be. I'm proud of the way you girls went after them, and that you were able to do so many. Great job! However, next time you are faced with one of these workouts, try to see them not as hills, rather opportunities. 

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