Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Just A Short One To Go


Three miles. That's all that separates you from Sectional. Three measly miles.

Now is the time to start wrapping your heads around what is to come. We have to race well this weekend. It was for no small reason we did the time trial yesterday - we had to know who we best prepared to succeed on Saturday. That in no way disparages anyone who ran... some girls just ran better.

We ran four easy ones today, tomorrow three. It's rest now. That's all there is left for it. Well, that and the mental part.

You know the course. Imagine where you would be weak and be ready for that spot. Imagine yourselves powering through those pieces. You know where you have mental lapses in a race. Look for them! In fact, use them to your advantage - if you are weak in places, that's probably where others are too. Power through and bury them! When you look at it that way, your weak spots can empower you. Be courageous!

I want to think over time goals a little. In broad strokes:

  1. Baili - 21:00
  2. Zoe - 22:15
  3. Danielle - 22:15
  4. Kate - 23-anything
  5. Delaney - 23-anything
  6. Chelsey - 23-anything
  7. Sara - 23-anything
Getting the point? Most of this race's outcome will fall on the last four girls. Why? Because that's where the biggest time gaps are. Time gaps create large point totals. You can't have large point totals in tournament. If we are going to get out, at least two of you four have to come up big. There's no denying it.

So... are you ready for the biggest meet of the season?

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