Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Milwaukee Run


Well, we've done it. We've managed to get down to the Milwaukee Trail from Parkview track without running all around town. I'm pleased by this, because when it gets hot, that's where we'll be. You might not have been thrilled today, but trust me, you'll thank me later.

I didn't introduce the new coach with us today, so let me make amends by doing so now. Her name is Jill Vance. She is a naturalist by profession, and an avid road racer. She runs (and is highly ranked) the Magnificent 7 race series out of Bloomington. She is a good runner, and should be able to hold her own with any of you ladies.

Most of you are transitioning well to the increased mileage. What's really important to remember is, though practice isn't mandatory, things will go better for you if you make most (or all) of them. Endurance sports reward consistency; your gains, though small, happen every day. Eventually they accumulate over time to be huge gains. Unfortunately, losing ground is much easier than gaining, so it's important to be as regular as possible. Your opposition will be training those days you don't - never forget that.

The bake sale is this Saturday from 9-1. See Diana or Carrie for information regarding setup, scheduling, and well, anything else. This is your baby, ladies.

As I get healthier, I will be running more with all of you, front to back. I can't do that quite yet, but soon I'm sure I will. Here's the thing... I want to hear more talking out there. I want you guys to get to know one another - that's very important. I also want to know on easy days you are indeed running easily. Listen, if you can chat at 6:30 pace, I'm thrilled. If you're running 7:00 pace on an easy day and can't talk, I'm not. Talking/not talking is one of the easiest ways to gauge effort. I will be listening for your conversations - I don't necessarily want to be involved, I just want to know they're happening.

I mentioned core work today. I'm still considering how to add it to our summer plan, but we are going to do it. I'm really trying anything I can to get as many girls to the start of season healthy and ready to train hard. Leave no stone unturned, as they say.

Tomorrow - fartleks!

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I've got something put together for you to look at with regards to a core routine. I'm realizing that I don't actually have your email address, though... I will bring it with me to practice this Wednesday (18th). - Jill
