Monday, June 8, 2015

Rainy Monday


Though it was rainy, today's running conditions were actually kind of nice. It was cool with a drizzle, but for running, that's far better than sunny, humid, and 90 degrees. I'll take it.

I blame no one that didn't come for staying home. One peek at the radar might have been very misleading, because the storms appeared on the horizon. However, if you watched the radar in motion, you saw it dissipating before it reached us. That's the way it turned out throughout the morning. I want to be clear though - safety first, always. It is your parents' call whether or not to send you, and no workout is worth someone getting hurt.

We had 8 girls show, 4 of which did 4 miles, the other 4 did 3. It's the second week, and while some are ready to advance, some I feel need to be brought up a little slower. We will get everyone's mileage up, just not all at the same time. It's easier if you think of it in minutes of activity. Right now, because of the variation of running speed, while the mileage is different, the overall time running isn't so much.

Example: Group A  runs 4 miles at 8:00 mpm. Group B runs 3 miles at 9:30 mpm. Group A runs for 32 minutes. Group B runs for 28 minutes 30 seconds. That's a difference of only 3 minutes 30 seconds. See what I mean?

Naturally we want people to run fast - we are after all a racing team. But with endurance sports you have to have patience. New runners have to give the body time to adapt. You will be vying for spots. I will eventually turn you loose to chase. Now simply isn't the time.

Great work today girls. I am excited to be part of this!

Oh, something I used to do last year... I would post my Garmin data on Strava and share that with you. Click the link below if you are interested.

Rainy Monday Run

The thing to look at would be the last 2 miles. I ran those with Zoe and Carrie. Chelsea and Danielle, this is why your group broke up. You weren't slowing down - they sped up. Look at that last mile... it dropped 30 seconds per mile!

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