Thursday, June 4, 2015

The tired begins to set in


By now some of you new girls are beginning to notice you don't have the same zip in your legs you had on Monday. That climb at the end of the run today might have even caused your quads to burn a bit. That's normal. For the next week you will likely feel a bit more tired than normal, you may find your appetite increase, and you may need more sleep. All normal. Don't worry, soon enough you will acclimate.

A little physiology... exercising damages muscle. Every flex of a muscle causes tiny tears the body has to repair. The body has a wonderful defense mechanism though - it always defends itself by making the muscle bigger than it was before. The reason for this is so the same level of stress can't hurt the muscle again. So once you are used to a level of stress, you add a bit more. You damage the muscle, it repairs, then you raise the stress again. It's the same in all sports. Think of body builders. That's how they get so big.

Now we don't want to get huge, and don't worry, you're not going to roll out of bed one morning with the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger. It takes a lot longer than overnight. You will notice your quads and calves begin to tighten over time. Again, very normal.

Stretch! Ice! Shoes! These are your friends!

See you all in the morning.

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