Monday, June 10, 2013

Glad to be back!


I'm so happy to be back, even if I'm beat. We got in early Monday morning, and it was a short nap before I had to get up and get to practice.

I was glad to see all of you there. We upped the mileage today, as planned, and it seemed everyone took that well. We even got a new runner (hello, McKena!).

Tomorrow's practice will be the first time we push the pace a bit. It won't be a tempo per se, rather it will be a timed run. I'm borrowing the idea from VO2 testing inasmuch as the main component is time. It's simple really - once warmed up, you will all run for 12 minutes on the track. At 12 minutes, you stop, and we record how many laps you got, or rather, how many yards. That will give us a baseline number to work from, as well as pace.

Here's the thing - I don't want this to be flat-out running yet. We aren't ready for that yet. In a couple of weeks I'll feel more comfortable pushing you, but for now, we just need some preliminary numbers. This will help me make targets for each of you later specific to you.

Don't be afraid of the workout, it won't be that bad. Hard - yes. Horrible - no.

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