Friday, June 21, 2013

The Mill is a Thrill

Well... how did you all like that? I had a good time, but I always have a good time when I'm around. One of the benefits of being me, I guess.

Seriously... it seemed as if everyone enjoyed our little run through the park. I'm sorry we can't do that every day, but then, I think even the park would get stale after a while. And let's face it... you guys wouldn't want to run those hills EVERY day!

On the way home from the park I was contacted by Wal-Mart. Your bake sale is a "GO"! July 6th, 8-3, no more than 15 people at a time, and stay in the designated zones. We'll talk more about it Monday, but make your plans. Remember, this is moratorium week, so I can't - eh, what? Wait a sec, someone just handed me a note... yes...

Okay, one of my readers, a "Dani" sent a note asking that I stop using the word "moratorium" and instead refer to this time period as "dead week". That's a little morbid for my taste, but hey, gotta keep the fan base happy. Your generation does seem to have an unnatural infatuation with zombies...

So, on "Dead Week" (air quotes) I cannot contact you guys at all. At. All. However, I am the official contact for Wal-Mart in this matter, so... I would be in emergency mode only. I want to be very clear about that, it's beyond my control. You guys did everything last year and I'm sure you can handle it. I was able to check in on you guys last year, and that made me feel better. I guess I'm a nervous Nelly on this.

So, three weeks into our 9-week summer, and you guys are looking GREAT! I'm really, REALLY happy with almost everything right now. I say "almost" because we are beginning to see some minor health issues crop up. Stay on the ice. Stay healthy. If we learned nothing else from last year we know ignoring these things does not make them go away.

One more week until the break. Let's make it a great one!

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