Monday, August 17, 2015



We are always riding the razor's edge. We push our bodies, we hurt, and we struggle to get every last ounce out of ourselves. We tell ourselves that nagging pain we feel is nothing, that it will be better tomorrow. Usually it is. Sometimes though, it isn't.

We are transitioning to running on the BNL course. It's rough. It's hard on the body. Some pain is normal. That's why it's imperative you maintain yourselves. Ice after run any part of your body you THINK might hurt. The more you can stay ahead of pain, the easier it is to manage. Stretch! Finally, and this is a big one, stay in good shoes.

Not just good shoes, mind you. Shoes that fit you properly. You can buy high-quality shoes that just don't fit your feet properly. Example: if you have a narrow foot and you buy shoes for wide-footed runners, you will have trouble. The reverse is obviously true, too. Your shoe needs to hold your foot in place and support it properly underneath. Usually that means you'll find a brand that's good for you and hang with it. I'm a wide-footed runner, and for me Asics and Saucony work best. Narrow-footed runners typically run in Nike or Mizuna. There's a little trial and error to it, but if you find a brand that's good to you, stick with it.

Don't try to extend the life of your shoes too long. Generally for girls your size and weight, 300-500 miles is it. Don't think you're saving money if you take it up to 700 miles; I promise an X-ray is more expensive than a pair of shoes.

Tomorrow we are going to do our tempo run. Not everyone will. No one will run on the course tomorrow at all. I'm going to pull back on that a bit and try to preserve some legs. We'll have to come into it a bit more gently. We haven't lost anyone yet, and by golly, I don't plan on it now.

See you all tomorrow evening. 

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