Sunday, August 9, 2015

This Coming Week 8/10-8/15


Our summer is almost gone. We have two more days to run from Parkview, and then... to the school!

Let's try to get some clarity here before we proceed. If there is anything I know about working with large groups of people, it's that if you make a change, there will be confusion. So, what's coming this week?

Monday - practice at Parkview, 8-9:30 AM
Tuesday - practice at Parkview, 8-9:30 AM
Wednesday - practice at BNL, 3:30-5 PM
Thursday - practice at BNL, 3:30-5 PM
Friday - practice at BNL, 3:30-5 PM
Saturday - practice location TBA, 8-9:30 AM

I'm leaving the Saturday location open for the time being because we might switch venues depending on weather and other factors. That will be a common practice. I like to be able to get you gals off-campus once in a while, because the course can get kind of stale fast.

We had a very solid first week of training, and as we move forward we need to be mindful of what's coming. We have our first meet in two weeks, so it's time to begin accelerating our training, pace in particular. We will have to make the attempt to get more familiar with our faster running forms, meaning, we'll have to run faster on a regular basis. That doesn't mean we won't have recovery runs; it means we are entering the serious training portion of the progression.

Summer is about conditioning you so you can get to the season to train. Summer is over. Season is here. Time to train! What's the difference?

Conditioning is lower-level activity that prepares the body for much harder work to come. If you skip the conditioning and shock your body with training, the likelihood of injury rises dramatically. So... by coming all summer, you've prepared your bodies for the shock to come. It will hurt you less. Those that were not regularly running will have a much harder time, and it will take longer to progress. We can't do anything about that now, we have to move forward. It's not impossible to have a great season without summer, just much harder. And more painful. But it certainly can be done!

Uniforms! I'm guessing the order is in. I'm not sure about the particulars of your order, when they will come in, who does the screening, but in the event they don't come in on time, we do have uniforms. However... some of you girls still have last year's issue. Yes, you do. We will need to get those back or we may very well run short. Or, I guess, you can keep your issue but let me know you have it. Either way, if push comes to shove, we will need to use the old uniforms. Be ready.

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