Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tomorrow and beyond


Tomorrow is going to be short - 3 miles - so make your plans now. It will be quick, very quick, so younger girls especially make plans to be picked up a little after 4 PM.

Saturday we are leaving from BNL pool by 7 AM. DON'T BE LATE! The bus will leave on time.

Tonight's run was about staying sharp and resting, which don't have to conflict. As you saw, the fartleks weren't fun, but they really weren't hard. By the time you got back to the school you were joking around like your normal selves.

As we head into taper, you're going to have a lot more energy. This is normal. Don't do anything silly with that extra energy. I remember one year with the boys as we headed into Conference, one of my kids approached me at the starting line and said, "Coach, I can't go." He'd tweaked his knee the night before and couldn't run on it. This kid was an ironman for me, and would have won Conference that day. I knew it killed him to pull out. So instead my #2 runner won Conference.

How did he hurt himself? Jumping over his bed in his bedroom, just goofing around. He was always a bit of a goof, and he never seemed to resolve his tendency to be that way. He was one of those guys that would bring himself to the brink of glory, only to throw it away with a horrible lapse of judgement. This is sometimes referred to as "being one's own worst enemy."

We are going through one more week of school, then fall break. What's bad about that is it's also Sectional and Regional week. It's not my fault ladies, I didn't schedule it, but we have to deal with it. What's the problem, besides you need to stay in the area if you plan to race these races? It's a huge break in routine. Sleep patterns will change, eating patterns will change, and you will have a lot more time to go out and be your own worst enemies. I sweat this one every year.

Now here's another thing we have to look at... Soccer Sectional. It happens the day before our Sectional, if I'm reading the sports calendar correctly. We may have to look really hard at our roster for this meet. There is a chance we may sit some people out so we can have them for Regional. We'll see how things look a little closer to the event, but everyone better be ready to go if called. Fair warning!

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