Tuesday, August 6, 2013



I know it must have come as a surprise to you today. We did hills, which shouldn't have shocked you, but you didn't know we'd do so many. The reason for that is simple; you are in much better shape this year than last. As a result, I will be expecting more from you.

Last year I didn't restrict your effort on an uphill because I knew it would take care of itself. It was enough for you to concern yourselves with getting over the top. Now we have to be more careful, to use ourselves effectively.

What you did today was a full 2 miles of uphill running. Let that sink in. Uphill for 2 miles. And you ran it with authority. Sure, it wasn't fun at all. But you did it. And you did it well.

You must start to believe in your training, and challenge what you can do. It will never be easy, nor should it be. While you are working hard you will from time-to-time ask yourselves if it's worth it. It is. Oh, it is! But what you get out of this whole process is directly proportional to what you put into it. The harder you work, the greater your gains. Time is our enemy, so we can't afford to waste a single opportunity.

So for now, consider what you just accomplished. It was sticky and sweaty out there this morning, and you completed what was probably the hardest workout we've done all summer. On top of that, the last one looked strong. Believe it or not, that was what I was waiting for, to see how well you'd run on the back end of the workout. Yes Danielle, I saw how powerfully you ran by on the last one, and I was duly impressed. In truth, I was impressed with everyone. Maybe I did wipe the smile off Danielle's face for a while, and maybe I was the topic of much hate speech on the way down each hill - wouldn't be doing my job if that didn't happen once in a while - but you gals channeled it the right way and turned it all into a positive. It'll pay off, sooner or later (or both!).

Before I close, I would like to reiterate something I mentioned this morning... on cross-country courses there is much variety in terrain - hills and flats, corners, trails, etc. - and as individuals you will find areas in which you excel and others in which you fall short. This helps to explain why you might always run well in a particular place and not so well in others. Courses sometimes just suit your style of running better. However, and don't forget this, we always have to race.

So, as I told Diana, maybe you can't stay with someone to the top of the hill, but read the course... almost always there will be a portion that follows that will allow you to get yourself right back into the race. You have to be aware of the points where people weaken. Runners on our course always try to smash the uphills and glide for a while after. That's when you hit them. Hard and decisively. Project strength and you will smash the will of people around you.

FWIW, this is one of the reasons running the course before a race is so critical. You should all be looking at the tactical possibilities provided to you that day. They will be there if you are sharp enough to spot and use them. 

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