Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Comme Si, Comme Sa


How's your French? If you are having trouble, maybe you can run it through a translator. It's the theme for today, but only slightly so.

First, the positive. We ran great today. I did have a few of you on bikes, two for precautionary sake, but the rest ran. And, though some were sore, everyone that did run appeared to do so well. You are all beginning to look like runners out there.

Eleven girls headed for the railroad bed, three were on bikes, and one was with the trainer. I wound up forgetting my running shorts, and thought I'd gotten out of running, but it was no use; Chloe yelled, "Run in your cargo shorts!" Whether or not that was sarcasm I cannot be sure, but boy did she look surprised when I did. Hey, it was her idea!

This was a medium day, and wow, I'm really glad you girls have accepted the challenge of running faster. There are no freeloaders here - everybody works! Yes, the run is stringing out a bit, but that is how it should be. What is very gratifying to watch is how people are clawing their way to the next runner. That's how you form a group. You don't slow people down - you speed up the slower people.

To recap the main conversation regarding work and fatigue: we are stressing your systems hard now. The body is equipped with a wonderful self-defense mechanism. Once it comes under stress the brain assesses what the load is and how to adapt to it. Usually this means it will send more energy that direction, along with increased blood flow and capillaries (over time). The effect is the body adapts to the level of stress and will no longer be stressed by that level of work. In short, the body grows stronger and more efficient.

Part of this process is a speeding up of the metabolism. Since the body gets into a rhythm of using energy at a certain level, the brain sets a schedule to feed that need. You will notice an increased appetite. There is a lag to this change though, and that is tough at first and useful later.

On the front end, you're going to feel pretty worn down and muscle heavy. Have faith! Once the body determines this requires a change, things move quickly. Within a couple of weeks it will adapt and what once felt really hard gets much easier. The payoff comes when you taper. Since the body is in overdrive delivering energy, and since you aren't using the energy during taper, it gets stored. When you do finally do your peak race, you won't believe the explosive power you possess. So hunker down over the next few weeks! There is a payoff coming.

Finally, I am especially proud of the girls fighting for the top-7 spot so hard. You are transforming right before my eyes. It's amazing, and I feel lucky to be part of it.

Now for the bad... we do have people hurt. That's a fact. Time is closing in, and we want to get as many people healthy as possible. If I say, "ride the bike", then do so. If we do water running, do it. Our choices are becoming very limited at this point. I want the seven best people we have for tournament season. Let's get healthy!

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