Sunday, September 9, 2012

A couple of tough decisions coming up


We have a couple of tough decisions to make this week. We've had all the olda girls take a crack at captain, and exercising my executive privilege I think that's where I draw the line. The younga girls will get their chances, someday, to be captain. For now, let's keep it to the upperclassmen.

We will vote, silently, on paper. I will take the top two vote getters and they will co-captains. This is how I want it, and remember, this isn't a democracy; it a cheerocracy, and I'm the cheertator. ;)

We need to resolve this, because the really big stuff is coming soon, and we need all the ducks in a row. The truth is, by now, you folks are following who you choose. The vote itself will only make official what you already know.

Oh, and another thing; Obama didn't vote for McCain, you can bet on that. It's perfectly fine to vote for yourself. Please, no write-in votes for Bettye White.

Homecoming is this week. Yes, I know we have a meet dance day. I know. I KNOW! We're still going to Crawford County. Oh yes, it's happening. We'll be back in plenty of time for the dance, however... if you absolutely MUST come back as soon as the race is over, get your forms into the Athletic office by Thursday afternoon. They won't like it, but they will understand.

Now for the biggest decision of them all...

First, the background: I mowed a new practice field today, north of the student parking lot. I think it's pretty nice, even if I do say so myself. I have a couple of variations (with more likely to come). One is 1.1 miles long, the other right on a mile. With a little work I could probably get it out to 1.5 miles pretty easily. I can't believe how well it turned out, really. I am left with one problem:

What do I call it?

Your vote matters! Choose from one of the wonderful options below...

  1. Deckard Sports Complex
  2. Deckard Memorial Course (bad choice; I have to die first)
  3. Deckard Energy Lab
  4. Caution: Only Run If You're Manly Like Bill Course (CORIYMLBC)
Text the number of your vote (1, 2, 3, or 4) to my phone number. Phone lines are now open. 

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