Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back-to-Back Hard Workouts

Yup, sometimes it makes sense to go ahead and go back-to-back on the hard work. This week is a prime example. With a race on Saturday, we had the opportunity to get a couple quality days in AND have time to rest for the race. Since we are woefully short of quality days, and since the weather broke today and gave us cooler temps, it made sense to go ahead and give it a shot.

The drawback to doing this was how mentally unprepared you ladies were to do it. You knew we were going to do 800s yesterday, and had mentally steeled yourselves; today was a shock, and it was written all over your faces.

In truth, your bodies can handle it. It is common to do intervals one day and a tempo the next. That's because the intervals are very intense, but tempos simply tax your VO2 more than anything else. Both work on efficiency. They are sister workouts and get along very nicely. Here is the breakdown:

Runner 1 2 mpm 2.5 1/2 mile mpm
Shelby 6:47:00 13:56:00 7:09:00 17:37:00 3:41:00 7:22:00
Danielle 6:47:00 13:56:00 7:09:00 17:37:00 3:41:00 7:22:00
Carrie 6:47:00 14:00:00 7:13:00 17:57:00 3:57:00 7:54:00
Alli 7:16:00 15:05:00 7:49:00 19:01:00 3:56:00 7:52:00
Bret 8:35:00 17:32:00 8:57:00 19:42:00 2:10:00 8:40:00
Diana 8:40:00 18:08:00 9:28:00
Locki 9:10:00 18:12:00 9:02:00
Keeley 9:11:00 19:14:00 10:03:00
Lauren 9:12:00 20:12:00 11:00:00
Runner Avg Pace 5k
Shelby 7:02:48 21:50:41
Danielle 7:02:48 21:50:41
Carrie 7:10:48 22:15:29
Alli 7:36:24 23:34:50
Bret 8:45:20 27:08:32
Diana 9:04:00 28:06:24
Locki 9:06:00 28:12:36
Keeley 9:37:00 29:48:42
Lauren 10:06:00 31:18:36

Did it work out perfectly? No. No workout we've done this year has, so there's no real surprise in that. The top three runners fared the best, of course. They fell off the pace in the latter portion, as you can see. Allie fell off too, but her overall time was very respectable. Bret began to bring her time back in by the end. Can you spot the runner who actually negative split?

That's right, it was Locki.

Locki is still trying to figure this thing out, and I'm still trying to figure out Locki. There is some natural ability there, but we've had her such a short time it's difficult to know exactly how hard to push. We know she will run between 26-28 minutes. The question is how to push to the bottom end of that range.

Give Carrie credit tonight. She's been challenged to stay with Danielle and Shelby no matter what. They've been encouraged to drop each other no matter what. Carrie eventually was dropped, but she fought it every step of the way. That's outstanding. Take your shot, don't be afraid to try. You may not always win, but you will never have a regret. Good show.

Danielle and Shelby, very mature leadership on the run. You traded off the lead and challenged one another. Keep it up! You may hate it at the time, but you'll be so thankful for it later (and believe it or not, it'll form the foundation of your fondest running memories).

Alli, it's hard to do this part-time. You are doing a great job. You can't get all the mileage you need to improve as quickly as you like. Be patient. You have more time in you yet.

Bret, stretch. Stretch. STRETCH! That stride is the key to your success. Open it, and your times drop. It's that simple. It has to be. Keep it basic - longer stride = fewer steps = less energy expended = higher efficiency = faster times. See? Simple logic.

Diana, felt better tonight, didn't it? Still humid, but it was only 70 degrees. World of difference from yesterday.

Keeley, you can't miss miles. You can't. It's a race to get as many miles in you as possible before the end of regular season. You have speed, you have no strength. Strength comes from miles. There is no shortcut, there is no substitute.

Lauren, it's discouraging to be hurt all the time. What's troubling is I had to run you hurt tonight. It's coming down to crunch, and I have to roll the dice. I didn't enjoy watching it any more than you enjoyed doing it, trust me. Kudos to you for toughing it out, because there was no way that was fun.

Morgan and Summer, keep riding. Ride hard, ride the whole time. This is your training. It can work, IF you work it hard. Sure, we'd rather run you, but that isn't an option. Let's make the most of the opportunity. By now your legs and knees should be feeling much better.

I have not finalized the Varsity roster for Saturday. I'll make that decision tomorrow in all likelihood. Let's see who is healthy first...

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