Thursday, September 27, 2012

Okay, split workout tomorrow. Split in that most of you will run or swim in the morning, the rest will run in the afternoon.

So far, Shelby, Bret, Morgan, and Lauren have opted for the PM. The rest have opted for morning.

In the morning, Hanna, Locki, Chloe, and Keeley should swim.

The rest of you ladies should run 3 miles.

Practice in the morning is 6:30 AM. Practice in the PM is after school. That takes care of that order of business.

We leave Saturday morning from the pool entrance at 6:30 AM. We will not run any JV race, regardless of whether or not coaches opt to do it (it's not currently on the schedule).

I've made the final call on the varsity squad. It was not an easy decision for a lot of reasons. It's tough to tell an athlete she won't be running. It hurts, I know it. You all want the slot, you all work hard. The fact is, some of you are hurt, and some of you are faster than others. I have to pick the girls that in the short term will give us the best chance to place highly and in the long term won't jeopardize State series. Hard choices must be made.

So, here's the line up.

  1. Danielle
  2. Carrie
  3. Shelby
  4. Alli
  5. Morgan
  6. Locki
  7. Chloe
Alt. Bret
Alt. Keeley

These girls, all of them, need to be ready to race Saturday. Of the top-7, three have moderate issues with their health. If any of the top-7 cannot race, we pull up Bret. If two, it'll be Keeley.

Understand ladies, this isn't how I wish the decision would be made. I'd prefer everyone be healthy and you all duke it out, straight-up. It isn't so. This is the best we can do.

This doesn't mean we won't do well. We have a chance to do quite well as a team, and we certainly have girls ready to bust great times, and I think we will. Focus on that, and the rest takes care of itself. 

We are going to rest a great deal next week. We have a race on Tuesday, and I will likely sit out a few of you. After that - Sectional. 

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